Pathing Bug?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Rorre, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Rorre

    Rorre Orc Soldier

    This might be a pathing bug, or it might be a fail on my part. That's my three clerics clustered around the top victory point, and it's my elf who can't seem to move through my human cleric with the default skin.

    The two enemies are both far enough away that they shouldn't be interfering with the move.

    My human cleric is standing on consecrated ground, in case that's relevant. I wonder if it's got stop?

    Attached Files:

  2. Rorre

    Rorre Orc Soldier

    A little more testing, and it does indeed look like consecrated ground is Stop

    Attached Files:

  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yep! Will fix.

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