When changing your password you get the message that the new password that you have to type in twice per usual doesnt match even when it does. The reason i know it does is that it did change the pass and it was correct.
I have done this MANY MANY TIMES even use copy+past to make sure is correct but when you hit "change" it deletes the field in "old password" and the " new password" and display that mesange password dont match Also This link for "forgot password" dont work (it open when you click on it in ch game) https://localhost/accounts/forgot?
When I just clicked on the link that Kodi posted, it brought up a message saying I couldn't establish a connection. Maybe there's something going on with the account database?
Figured i would use this instead of creating another thread however this issue is bigger. Trying to change the password leaves the game loading indefinitely with the change never going through.