I think it would be a good idea to add a 1-2 hour extension to the timer for getting a chest. 18 hours is a good amount of time to make sure you can actually get it during any given day, but sometimes it means racing for the final win or two, or falling just short. Allowing you to click a button to extend it for a bit would help solve one problem without causing another.
Brought up a lot during Beta, as well as numerous variations on the concept. The developer stance that covers everything about the PvP purple chest is roughly (paraphrased by a guy with a bad memory here, so likely butchered): "We never thought ANYONE would get it, nothing will change about how it works, if you do get it... glad you love the game so much, but do remember to feel sunshine on occasion, m'kay?"
That's their call. But I'd think anyone who gets to, say, 18 chests, is the kind of player you want to support, not upset. It rarely would matter to me personally, but I see tons of people in my games complaining that when I beat them, it will mean they can't get their epic, or something along those lines, and this would avoid that problem.
Frankly, I've brought this suggestion before, something along the line of making reset timer based on your last win. That way, any semi-hardcore player can reach the epic chest, eventually. But now that I think about it, I'd have to say no and agree with the dev's position that the epic chest should not be something everyone can, have to, or must, accomplish. Items are not randomized, shorten the item find is risking the game's longevity.