"Oldest card" suggestion

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Donnola, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. Donnola

    Donnola Mushroom Warrior

    Suggestion taken right from Zalminen's diary post:

    Some people are having trouble on understanding which one is the oldest card in your hand.
    2 simple fixes for this:

    1) Could you make Gary point out the left-to-right -> new-to-old order in the tutorial?
    2) Hovering a card that would make you discard your oldest one (like violent overswing) could highlight the "would-be-discarded" one (in form of an arrow, highlight or similar)
    Dorque likes this.
  2. jsutcliffe

    jsutcliffe Kobold

    I agree. the action should show which card it is discarding just to make it perfectly clear.
  3. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Personally i feel that new cards pushing older cards to the right is clear enough but that is just my opinion would be nice if more people weighed in on this based on how they feel. Obviously i don't really care about Gary telling you in some tutorial that is nice. But i want as little ui distractions as possible so when it is obvious that the far right is the one being discarded there is no need for highlighting flashing arrows or anything like that rather just have Gary make it clear.
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I think this is also perfect for load screen tips which I now REALLY want to add.
  5. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    would be interesting that soon to be discarded oldest cards would be highlighted like trait that have to be played
  6. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    And like I mentioned in the diary, some kind of 'secondary highlight' would also be useful in all the other situations where playing a card will directly affect other cards that are currently in your hand.
    Like All Out Attack, Horned Plates and so on.

    For example I have forgotten that All Out Attack would trigger when using another attack card so a little reminder would have been useful :rolleyes:

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