Non-damaging walls

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Ineptie, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Ineptie

    Ineptie Mushroom Warrior

    Hello ! This is my first real suggestion post, and english isn't my native language, so bear with me. Also if someone already brought this up i couldn't find it, but i apologise in advance for possible redundancy.

    While playing the game, i have always seen something as an odditie : Telekinesis and Whirlwind are of Utility type (purple background) but Wall Of Illusion and Wall Of Stone are of Attack type (red background).

    My instinct would have classified those the other way around, since even though Whirlwind and Telekinesis do no damage, they do target Characters, while the two walls in question don't do any damage and don't target Characters directly.

    So, it's a little thing, but my gut feelings say the two non-damaging walls need to get into the Utility category.

    Balance wise it would make Fright and Cowardly a little less punishing, and might open the way for some weird new strategies (whitch i think is always good).
    But the chances it will bring anything else than better (imho) flavor consistency is very low.
    Ryahes, LightPhoenix, Mutak and 4 others like this.
  2. Ryahes

    Ryahes Kobold

    I completely agree.

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