Found a bug in this release, albeit a nice one! Was playing Rescue from Shieldhaven co-op and after battle 3 got a 4-item chest. I'd already continued before realising that it was strange - but look what I got after the final battle... the chest contained CCCUURRRE(u)! No loot bonus for the other characters though.
Recently had a similar scenario, although before the new build. Think I exited out of an adventure without touching my opened chest (not "Take all and exit"). Played an multiplayer match later and was rewarded with a ludicrous amount of items. Didn't think much of it. I mean it makes sense, the items are there until you put them in your inventory. Not sure if bug or not...
I think this may happen if items fail to be removed from a previous chest. Not sure though, so any more reports of this would be interesting.
I'm certain that I sold the items from the 4-item chest after battle 3, so I don't know where the extra items came from. I've also lost my mouse pointer in-game since that chest - I'm using Steam, so I don't know if the screenshot browser has broken that or whether it's CH.
This just happened to me in Citrine Demon Portal. The downside is, the game locked up, and I can't log back in to my main account. (I've emailed support.) My other accounts still work properly. The extra loot certainly wasn't worth the cost.