Nice bug - too many items!

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by wavy, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    Found a bug in this release, albeit a nice one! Was playing Rescue from Shieldhaven co-op and after battle 3 got a 4-item chest. I'd already continued before realising that it was strange - but look what I got after the final battle... the chest contained CCCUURRRE(u)! No loot bonus for the other characters though.

    8 Item Chest.jpg
  2. Mama Mia

    Mama Mia Hydra

    Recently had a similar scenario, although before the new build. Think I exited out of an adventure without touching my opened chest (not "Take all and exit"). Played an multiplayer match later and was rewarded with a ludicrous amount of items.

    Didn't think much of it. I mean it makes sense, the items are there until you put them in your inventory. Not sure if bug or not... :confused:
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I think this may happen if items fail to be removed from a previous chest. Not sure though, so any more reports of this would be interesting.
  4. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    I'm certain that I sold the items from the 4-item chest after battle 3, so I don't know where the extra items came from.

    I've also lost my mouse pointer in-game since that chest - I'm using Steam, so I don't know if the screenshot browser has broken that or whether it's CH.
  5. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    This just happened to me in Citrine Demon Portal.
    The downside is, the game locked up, and I can't log back in to my main account. (I've emailed support.)
    My other accounts still work properly.
    The extra loot certainly wasn't worth the cost.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  6. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    WOO-HOO! Back in! :):):)
    ParodyKnaveBob and Jarmo like this.

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