Newbie has newbie question!

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by TreasureCat, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. TreasureCat

    TreasureCat Kobold

    I looked around to try and figure this out (or find a chat to ask in) but came up empty.

    I'm new to CH. I'm wondering, in the campaign, is it possible to tinker with my party's equipment during a campaign without ending it to go somewhere else? Not in battle, just in between encounters.

    I know you can play with you gear on the rewards screen. I also discovered that while you're on the pre-battle module page, you can click and drag down to your stat sheet. But while the inventory down there works, none of the left panel stat sheet interface is responsive. It's technically possible to change your loadout that way, but it's extremely frustrating because you can't compare anything.

    Is there another way? Also, is the non-responsive interface just a glitch? Thanks, loving the game.
  2. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    Yep, you can make changes to your gear in the rewards screen.
    No, you can't make changes during the module cover screen, the devs have said it's a bug that you can even drag the screen down at that point.

    And welcome to the game!
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    It may be a bug, but technically you can (very awkwardly) change your gear on the pre-battle screen. Very handy for the dungeons that try to surprise you with a level full of skeletons.
  4. TreasureCat

    TreasureCat Kobold

    Okay, cool. I understand why the devs wouldn't want you changing out your gear at the module cover screen- you're meant to walk into each battle blind- and you do get a chance to gear up after each encounter, regardless of how it went down (rewards"screen or "try again" screen).

    But couldn't the archive be available to you on each of those screens? Especially on the try again screen when you're retrying a battle in the middle of a campaign. The core tenant of the game is to encourage frequent and fluid deckbuilding to counter different strategies. Allowing players to access their archives after a defeat would really accommodate this process. Letting the player, say, pull out their archived "anti-armor" build and tinker as needed rather than requiring them to sit and remake it manually seems like it'd be a good design decision that both reduces tedium and reinforces the game's deckbuilding focus.
  5. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    You don't need to argue for how appropriate such a feature is in this game: as was already stated, this feature is in the game.

    Zalminen ALSO already detailed the answer for ANOTHER person with the same concern. See here for a full explanation with pictures:

    See here for the initial bug report:

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