New Team

Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by Omega_Wolf, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Omega_Wolf

    Omega_Wolf Kobold

    Hi all,i was wondering if the very first few missions are supposed to disappear? I was looking to start a new team to get some other race/class combinations built up but it seems i only have the level 2 (and upwards) missions.

    It's not a huge deal if they aren't available as i can probably make it through those other early missions,i was just hoping to get that extra level in for the lewt and the item slot

  2. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    It is normal.

    There's a FAQ and Glossary that has a lot of answers to these types of questions. This one would have been answered by looking under "Campaign."

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