Hi there, I have a three new drawback themes to share for multiplayer! They're just my thoughts, and pretty raw, so, no need to get stuck on the details yet, but I hope they can enrich multiplayer. Some of these cards are based around the idea of high-risk, high-rewards. There are a number of useful cards with drawbacks that I personally enjoy trying to make work. A simple example is misguided heal. On its own, it is weaker than minor heal but if the recipient has card such as reliable armor, its now a more efficient card than minor heal. So, these drawback cards could use the following: 1."Take damage if". Similar to backbiting strike. It would be nice to see a version of this with more cards. Such as wizard spells. Even on armor. The following cards are some examples: Wicked flames Range 6 Two target characters each take 6 points of fire damage. You take 6 unpreventable points of fire damage. or Sacrificial armor Armor 7 Die roll 3 At the end of each round, you and your allies each take 3 unpreventable points of damage. With these two examples, you could of course build-around them with more healing cards, nimbus,etc. =========================== 2. Movement drawbacks. It would be interesting to see that certain damage cards can be more powerful but are punished by movement, and vice versa. For the former, an example could be; Blundering smash Melee crushing Range 2 Damage 14 Your opponent chooses your facing at the end of this move. or for the latter; Trial by fire All allies Free move 4 Each ally who moved takes 5 points of unpreventable fire damage and can't attack this round. Similar to this, you could also have punishment where you; "can't block for a turn" and "can't move for a turn". =========================== 3. More poison cards, both melee and ranged. Poison is unpreentable by armor, which will appeal to a lot of players. Like misguided heal, they could even be beneficial. They could even be armor, as with the sacrifical armor exampole above, you could have an armor which has high armor and/or die roll but poisons you every turn. It could be called Scorpion Sheath. Finally if anyone's interested, I also have some ideas on a new character type; ranger / assassin. They would use poison, deception, and ranged attacks to weaken and confuse, but be unable to wear strong armor, helmets, or shields. Best Christoff.
I like the thoughts behind these, although some of the examples are rough. I like the Sacrificial armor idea except I would have it deal damage at the start of the round. Blundering smash is and interesting mechanic, but doesn't really fit the theme of the game (a smash being range 2) and the drawback is not nearly enough for the efficacy of the attack (does 5 more damage than the highest range 2). Trial by Fire is nice not sure if I would refer to it as fire damage (since you want it to be unpreventable) I like the idea of Wicked flames, but again doesn't fire the theme of fire attacks so well.. a more powerful version of bungled bolt would be cool More poison would be good, as would a 4th class (at some point I had suggested a rogue class) which would use poison and ranged non-magic attacks and would get a base move bonus of free move. Would equip 3 rogue weapons (daggers with poison and bows with range) 1 robe, 2 rogue items (cards like snares and traps (terrain attachments low range) plus the racial and class skills. Class skills could include a smoke screen, a terrain dodge and add poison cards etc.