Near Stalemates in Campaign... not so fun. Round Limit Exists?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by xienwolf, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    I have Round 2 of the Play-Off running on my other monitor right now. It'll take me all night.

    Didn't set up my deck for the fight, played stupid and I am down to only my wizard. My FIRE wizard. The AI only has one zombie alive.

    He can only shuffle at me, and I am an elf, so I can dash away with NO problems.

    But I have no armor removal in this deck, and only one Force Bolt and an Arcane Spray for non-fire damage.

    So every time we shuffle our decks, his two Resistant Hides get to face my two weak spells, and he takes probably 1 point of damage.

    I will kill him. But it will take AGES.
  2. dmar314

    dmar314 Goblin Champion

    Why is it better for them to enforce a single player round limit than for you to just resign, regear, and try again? You lose the game either way but I'd prefer to be able to kite in campaign as long as I'd like.
    Ineptie likes this.
  3. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    A round limit that makes you auto lose would be worse than just resigning. Correct. But it could work the other way around quite easily, and that would be a nice break. Resigning when you will win eventually is a bad move since you might need all 3 retry later in the campaign.
  4. Jotun

    Jotun Mushroom Warrior


    and having a round limit in place, thus ENSURING you will lose and cannot win, is better?
  5. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    Round Limit, by itself and flat definition, means that there is some number of rounds which the game is prevented from exceeding.

    It does not by itself mean "Human Loses"

    You can decide who loses at that point arbitrarily (Human or AI), or even force a replay, or any number of other things.

    Chess has rules for resolving (and identifying) a stalemate. Many games do. This one easily could.

    But in the end, this thread was meant for two things:

    1) I was bored as *(&^ and wanted to vent.
    2) to let the guys at Blue Manchu know that their game contained a case where I felt semi-obliged to accept mind-numbing boredom.

    It isn't a major point. There may well not BE any fix possible, let alone needed.

    It is just feedback. Not something particularly worthy of discussion.

    The concept of a turn limit meant nothing really, I needed a title for a thread, and that happened to come to mind as somewhat appropriate. Notice how I don't mention it at all in the actual post, I just vent.
  6. Jotun

    Jotun Mushroom Warrior

    Yes it does.

    You lose after that number of rounds is exceeded. If you can't beat the computer (stalemate), you lose.

    Its a simple concept.

    Comparing this to stalemates in chess in ridiculous. Chess stalemates are easily recognizable because it has a TINY amount of variables you need to check for.

    Draws happen when 1) no legal moves and 2) insufficient material. The formal will never happen in CH. The latter comprises of literally only 4 cases.

    king v king
    king + bishop v king
    king + knight v king
    king + bishop v king + bishop of same color tile.

    CH has multiple different creatures, each with multiple different moveset/abilities. Same applies to your characters. Saying testing for stalemate is easy because chess can do it makes no sense whatsoever.

    Stop venting on the forums. Talk to your wife or something. This forum isn't your personal venting space. Imagine everyone makes a thread just because they had an unsuccessful try on a mission.

    If you lost a mission, just forfeit and try again. You weren't able to win, end of story. Take it like a man (even if you're female) .
    Banezilla likes this.

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