my token is gone :(

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by owangolama, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. owangolama

    owangolama Kobold

    so... i used a token to equip a weapon. then found another better weapon that also required a token. i equipped the new one in the same slot. it allowed me to do this. then it said the weapon was not authorized 'cause i didn't have a token. and the old weapon no longer has a token either. did i just lose my token by accident?
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    No, try de-equipping both weapons and see what happens. Worst case remove all gear and re-dress your character.

    (also, you're not trying to do lower level adventures are you - that migh delevel you and cause you to lose temporary levels - and tokens)
  3. owangolama

    owangolama Kobold

    oh... i was going back to a lvl4 to try something. maybe that is the problem. thanks! i'll finish the current lvl4 and see if i can find my token again. thanks!
  4. Jotun

    Jotun Mushroom Warrior

    thats your problem there.

    Your characters will be de-leveled when playing lower lv maps.

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