Multiplayer opponents who do nothing for 20 minutes?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Dwedit, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    What am I supposed to do about Multiplayer opponents who sit around do nothing for 20 minutes, and make no attempt to play the game at all?
  2. DragnHntr

    DragnHntr Orc Soldier

    Enjoy a free win? :p
  3. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

  4. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Don't let the get to you just have a sandwich and smile as you listen to some music
  5. attog

    attog Mushroom Warrior

    I don't run into that too often but when they do are blatantly AFK right from the beginning I just go ahead and concede and move on to my next game. Yeah it is rewarding their buggery but my time is valuable to me and I want to get on to the next match. Now when we are 15 minutes into a game and I have just pulled ahead and NOW the guy all of a sudden just sits there because he is hoping I will quit and he will win, in those cases I go ahead and let him time out because I figured I earned the win.
  6. Svetozar

    Svetozar Kobold

    I've been on both sides of the equation in this. I find that at least in my afking it's due to the ever increasing timer for looking for a match. Between the last gold chest and purple chest, there can be as much as 40 minutes of searching for an opponent. That's assuming I win every game, which is unrealistic. This is time where you cannot do anything else in game. While matchmaking has been significantly faster in the past 2 days it's still an uncertainty and I've hit the timer many many times. This has lead me to tabbing out while waiting because looking at a clock time down from 5:10 to 0 is boring. I do usually apologize if I'm afk for a few or more minutes into a game.

    I (thankfully) haven't run into people who blatantly afk or threaten to afk if I don't concede.

    I would suggest definitely punishing this behavior but maybe smoothing out the wait timer so it's more predictable which leads people to better plan around the wait. Maybe, for example, increasing the ELO bound as you move through the chests but keeping the timer at 2 minutes.
  7. Unprepared4u

    Unprepared4u Mushroom Warrior

    I've been on the AFK end of this situation pretty often lately. When your queue times exceed 10 minutes, you get into the habit of not paying attention to Card Hunter tab. A lot of the time, I don't even know I'm in a game until my timer is down to 17 or 18 minutes.. After falling into this habit, it wasn't too long that I forgot about it completely, and I've won more than 3 games due to being AFK for the entire match.

    To all those who have suffered on my behalf, I sincerely apologize :(

    But anyways, they'll be drastically changing the timer soon, and when the game is released queue times should be less of an issue.
  8. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Don't feel too bad if you accidentally afk on someone because of long que times it happens to the best. The main thing here i think is people who do it intentionally to grief or as a attempt at easy wins. I my self have afked at least 2 matches( unintentionally) one i lost and one i won neither of them was fair to my opponent but they where both accidents.
  9. m0ebody

    m0ebody Kobold

    It would be interesting to see something like..... if 3 minutes go by uninterrupted, that player whose timer is on gets kicked with a loss. The main timer can stay at 20 mins, but let's face it, if 3 mins has gone by without a move being made, it's fairly obvious the person is AFK. Maybe even 5 mins, but to have to wait the full 20 or hand a win over to someone like that is annoying.

    I usually tab over, but keep the sound on so I can hear when a match comes up.
  10. Forlorn

    Forlorn Orc Soldier

    I agree with moebody. There should be two timers, a short one and a long one, and if either of them run out then you lose the game.
  11. Essence

    Essence Orc Soldier

    Not me. I don't disagree with the short timer thing, but it should really be 5 or even 7 minutes, not three. But then, I have a four year old who needs help wiping his butt at random and unpredictable intervals across the day, and a disabled wife who occasionally calls on me to provide snacks or whatnot, again, not really under my control. :)
  12. Forlorn

    Forlorn Orc Soldier

    Nah, if you're too busy to go back to your computer once every 3 minutes then you're too busy to play a decent game of Card Hunter. You're not entitled to anyone else's time so by letting them re-queue against another player instead of waiting for 20 minutes of intermittent play is just common courtesy.

    In order to prevent abuses, someone who times out in the first round both loses no elo nor does the opponent gain elo, even though it is counted as a win for the opponent.
  13. Squee

    Squee Kobold

    Maybe just award victory stars one at a time every few minutes of inactivity as incentive to not go AFK?
  14. m0ebody

    m0ebody Kobold

    Same issue, what time frame do victory stars get given out? You need 6 to win, at 3 minutes apiece you're looking at 18 minutes to win instead of 20. Not much of a difference at that point.

    And 1 minute seems too short to just award someone a star.

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