Multiplayer Modes: What Is What?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Paprika2215, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Paprika2215

    Paprika2215 Mushroom Warrior

    Hello Card Hunters,
    My name is Dennis (Paprika2215 is the nickname I use) and I have several questions about the multiplayer modes that the game offers. Before I begin, though... please understand that I'm new to Card Hunter and this game genre (I have never played games like D&D, Magic: The Gathering. or Pathfinder before, though I have to admit that it all appeals to me a lot). My point is, some of my questions might, and probably will, make me sound like a noob -- and I guess that's true in this case! :D

    OK, let's get down to business... Here's my first question:

    1. Play Ranked Matches
    This feature either sets up a match against Gary (the GM or DM) or a fellow human player. My question about this mode is about the checkbox below the Ranked Match arena icon: What exactly does that checkbox do? If I tick it, does that mean I will play against Gary? But it says "Allow GM Opponents. What does that mean? Can human players be the GM too during multiplayer, or are there cloned versions of Gary?

    2. Create Casual Game
    When I click on "Create Casual Game", this is the screen I get:
    The greyed out button says "Ranked (practice)", the middle button says "Non-ranked" and the button on the right says "Custom", which takes you to the screen you also get when clicking on "Create Custom Game" in the multiplayer lobby. Now, my question about the casual games is primarily this: What's the difference between Ranked Match in the MP lobby, and Ranked (practice) in the Casual Game window? And what's a non-ranked game? All player parties are the same level in MP, so what's "ranked" and "non-ranked" in this case?

    3. Create Custom Game
    This window confuses me the most. While I'm excited that there are so many features, I really don't know what all of it does. Here's a screenshot of the Custom Games window:
    If I understand it all correctly, this window allows me to create a scenario and/or an entire new board from scratch. This sounds awesome (really, it does, I'm not being sarcastic here :p) because this opens up many, many possibilities in MP! But the problem is, at least for me, this:
    a. I'm not very technical;
    b. Having so many different options makes it look cool but intimidating to anyone who had not seen this before;
    c. It says that you lose all your work on the scenario if you click the "Create Game" button near the top;
    d. The board editor looks confusing for reasons A and B.

    I did search the forum a bit for these topics, but I couldn't find them. I have to admit that I didn't really search for long, but at least I gave it a try. Anyway, if anyone knows how to use multiplayer very well, please share your info with me. I'd be very happy! :)
  2. Forduc

    Forduc Orc Soldier

    If ticked, you'll face AI opponents if matchmaking can't find suitable human opponent in time (there's a timer when you click play ranked match.)
    If not ticked, matchmaking will search as long as it needs. assumedly expanding "acceptable rating difference".
  3. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    Hello! I have barely played any multiplayer but I'll do my best to answer your questions.
    As Forduc said, if you have this box checked then if a suitable human opponent cannot be found you will face the A.I. Note that there are more A.I. opponents than just Gary (I think there's also Melvin, Amy and Mom). I assume this is why it says "Allow GM Opponents". Equally there can be multiple copies of the A.I fighting at once, so several people can be simultaneously facing Gary in their own games.
    Not sure about this one. I've never seen the Ranked (practice) button not greyed out, so it may be for a feature to be implemented later. Ranked Match from the MP lobby will set you up with a suitable opponent and your rating will change based on the result. In a non-ranked game you can choose your opponent and there is no change to your ratings no matter what the outcome.
    For custom games you could take a look at the pages on the wiki:
    Check out the Custom Games section of the forums as well. You can find scenarios other people have made and there are one or two threads that might help you get the hang of things.

    Hope that helps.

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