The loot mechanic in multiplayer is interesting, but I feel like it has one major flaw that needs to be addressed (apologies if there is another thread on this) You get greater rewards the more you win. This is great in theory because if you are exactly at the correct rank the you will get rewarded on approximately 50% of your games, if you are overranked you will naturally be adjusted down because not only are you playing against people better than you but you will be getting less loot, and if you are underranked you will quickly gain loot to allow you to correct your rank quickly. The possible problem that I see is that when there are a large number of players some of them will try to manipulate this system by intentionally loosing several games so that they can go far down in the ranks keeping all their great equipment. This would be easy to do be simply entering games and quitting racking up losses very fast. This will allow them to more easily get many wins in a row and get to the "super epic awesome chest of legendary loot" at the end of that 20 win tunnel. Now personally I don't care how people play the game, but I think it is unfortunate the system seems to reward this kind of smurfing. . .there are already people afking for wins to raise their ranks, I would hate to see what happens when these same people actually get good at the game. I don't really have a suggested way to fix this, the current mechanic is actually quite elegant and I would hate for it to change to much. I just hope there are mechanisms put in place to prevent this kind of thing from being effective.
Thread about it here: It does not specifically address manipulation of the ranking system in order to get more wins. On the other hand, the time it takes to even get 20 wins is quite an investment. People are even suggesting that losing matches doesn't drop your rank far enough. Those two put together makes me think this is (at least currently) a non-issue. Certainly something to look at though.
To sidestep the TL;DR phenomenon, Farbs reveals in that thread that you don't, in fact, get more loot for more wins. Apparently when you run the numbers it's a more efficient use of your time to be collecting the lowest level chests, even if you only care about epics.