
Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Britannicus, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Britannicus

    Britannicus Kobold

    Has there been any thought about multi-classing as an option in the game. I think it would be interesting to swap out, say, 1 common weapon slot for 1 divine weapon slot. It could get too ridiculous, but I think it is a fertile concept. Any thoughts on how it should work if they included it? Any reason they absolution shouldn't include it?
  2. Ryahes

    Ryahes Kobold

    I think complexity is a solid reason not to go in that direction. Card Hunter's strength is in its simplicity and ease of use/understanding, even though it has a novel concept it introduces its game systems in a way that is really easy to grasp. Allowing multi-classing means the game designers have infinitely more work to do with balancing classes, cards and items and the payoff would just be having a more complicated game.

    You can already build your characters in such specializations that they have other roles. I would look forward to more card sets coming out in the future that allow for more flexibility and wider ranges of builds for your characters than looking for them to change around the basic building blocks of the game.
  3. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    If memory serves Joe mentioned the possibility of just such a think in one of his interviews. I'll try to locate it. I tried, but there is just so much information to go through that I gave up...
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

  5. Britannicus

    Britannicus Kobold

    Thanks, I will look into it. I tried to search the topic, but the search retunred tons of multiplayer suggestions.

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