MP Timer

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Kalin, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Do the dev logs have real timestamps for when games start and end? Today, for the first time ever, I ran out of time a MP match, and I don't think the battle lasted 20 minutes total, much less my turns. (And the timer expired when I was about 5 seconds from killing Mom.) And the timer parts of the logs make absolutely no sense at all; my timer started before the Start Game event. (Log attached because it's too big to paste.)

    Attached Files:

    • log.txt
      File size:
      111 KB
  2. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    We do have full timestamps for the games. Given that Mom's turns take approximately zero time, your game should last 20 minutes. It looks like there is a problem with the server's timer, since your game expired 24 seconds short of a full 20 minutes. My first thought here is that we have a rounding error on the timer, where every move ends up rounding up to the next full second.

    2013-07-26T18:36:37.905+0000 Event=StartGame
    2013-07-26T18:56:13.790+0000 Event=GameOver
    Phaselock likes this.

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