[MP] Remove the SP balance/token adjustment on weapons?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Magus, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Magus

    Magus Orc Soldier

    Level 5 and 6 weapons/staves cost no token, even though they should theoretically cost a single blue token according to the level formula; this is generally accepted to be in order to make early-game campaign less frustrating (since you'll be getting those most likely before you have a single token to spend on them). In MP this reasoning does not apply, and items like Blazing Shortsword would definitely still be relevant at single-blue-token.
    Drawbacks: Could invalidate saved parties. Reduces value of weaker L5-6 weapons.
    Benefits: Better token balance overall; fewer 'no-brainer' tokenless items. Increases value of the stronger L3-4 weapons.

    Not sure this is a good idea myself, but discussion never hurt.

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