MP Crashes

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Fifjunior7, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Fifjunior7

    Fifjunior7 Hydra

    I don't know if this is because of the higher server traffic these days, but recently a lot of my multiplayer battles have unexpectedly frozen. When I tried to log back in, sometimes it will resume working, other times I lose the battle.

    This has been quite bad on my ranked score, as I lose many battles because of these freezes.

    It seems that sometimes when I reset, it shows me I got an error, and then it says "Failed to rejoin battle" without asking me" You have a multiplayer battle in progress, want to continue?"

    Thanks for any feedback!
  2. Fifjunior7

    Fifjunior7 Hydra

  3. Fifjunior7

    Fifjunior7 Hydra

    Cardhunter Bug.PNG Here is where none of the buttons loaded.

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