Movement Card Bug

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Hajeil Sounak, May 29, 2013.

  1. Hajeil Sounak

    Hajeil Sounak Mushroom Warrior

    I began a ranked game and was the first to get to make a move. I played a move card and the blue arrows didn't appear. I could not move no matter what I tried. I tried clicking on the map where I should be able to move but all it did was grab the map for me to move the map around. I tried clicking on other cards and nothing happened. I even tried exiting and entering fullscreen butt that didn't fix it. I could not do anything and was forced to resign the match. I have copied and pasted my script into a txt file for your review in the hopes that the bug can be found and repaired. It should be located at the end of the script since I copied it as soon as I left the match. Here is a link to the txt file for your review.
  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Huh, that sounds like an out-and-out "game freeze." Maybe unrelated to the Move card. I can't download that file at this time, so exactly what card did you play?
  3. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    I once thought I had encountered this kind of a bug - until I realized I was staring at the opponent's group instead of my own. :D
    (Both sides had similar looking characters)
  4. Hajeil Sounak

    Hajeil Sounak Mushroom Warrior

    I played the Walk movement card from my Warrior. I assure you the game wasn't frozen up. I was in mutiplayer and was still able to talk with my opponent, go in and out of fullscreen and enter the options menu.

    Okay I know we have to think of the most obvious things first but give me the benefit of the doubt here, man. :D I assure you I was not looking at the wrong party.
  5. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    From what I've seen, this is as "frozen" as Card Hunter gets. The dreaded "Spiked Mail crash" seems to cause the same thing.
  6. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    There's no error in the log... weird.

    Please let us know if you see anything like this again.

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