So, it dawned on me while search through characters and their item that one of these icons are not like the others... Warrior's special item is a helmet. It has a great little art icon. Wizards have arcane items. Icon of a little sac for spell components or a fetish. Okie. Priests have a divine item. Icon of a ... a ... roll of invisible toilet paper? It doesn't APPEAR to be missing art, but am I missing something? All for nondenominational divine item but not sure at all what this is. Some arcane religious reference to Everybody poops perhaps? Or maybe a "place your divine icon here" prompt?
This is actually a good point, never thought about it - but that really strikes me as a piece of placeholder art. Maybe it should be a bowl, or a cup - as those are pretty standard in lots of religions without going down the "in your face" route.
It is a cartoonish drawing of a pocket on your clothes. The dotted lines are cartoonish stitches. It represents "Empty Pocket," in the same way that the Arcane Item represents "Empty Pouch." (I may be misremembering, but I think the slot literally was called that at some point.)
Correct; the fake item representing the empty slot is called "Empty Pockets", a level 1 Uncommon Divine Item with 3x Wavering Faith. Trivia fact: the empty Boots slot is called "Plain Old Boots" and is officially a level 3 Uncommon.
Ah yes, now that I've learned to print out my party I see the name. I somehow never noticed on mouse-over, but I remember realizing that some of the empty slot items also had levels and rarity which I thought was odd.