meta-game: successful build types

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by neoncat, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    I've seen a few wildly successful decks built around a specific legendary card (like one guy whose deck consisted almost entirely of fireballs... >_<), but what kinds of common/un/rare builds are most successful?

    Personally, I've got two builds that win fairly consistently, and I've seen other players doing well with variants:

    wizard control - walls, ice, and whirls; a.k.a. "all the ****ty cards I could stuff in one deck"; many players quit after a few turns of not getting to do anything... (which is why I stopped playing the build)

    smoke 'n' smash - one wizard carrying smoke bombs, two other characters designed to maximize damage, preferably with one-hit kills via multiple all-out attacks
  2. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    I had fun with my 9 Reflexive teleport wizard build which was inspired by a forum post. It worked really well for wizard battles - but somehow couldn't get a roll against warriors. :(
  3. SlashXVI

    SlashXVI Kobold

    with what I had after completing the campain, I sat there thinking what type of deck could I build and perhaps make work for multiplayer. I checked my cardy and had absolutely no attack card with more than 10 and none of the better support cards (e.g. nimbus)
    So with the items I had I think they are mostly common/un/rare so this might be something I build a deck that mostly focuses on getting lava panels with my wizard while stacking lots of bash cards for both my wizard and my priest so the aim is taking one or maybe two opponents down with lava+warrior and getting onto the victory lokations without beeing endangered by melee attacks.
    I personally found this build to be effective enough as long as I had not complete bad luck with card draws :D
    on the other hand it is quite annoying to play against, but I think there are not that much c/u/r builds you can run that are not anoying
  4. Blindsight

    Blindsight Ogre

    One deck I wanted to refine is my 3 wizard wall pushback deck. Seeing as I don't have the cards for it, it worked a lot better than expected. Wall off the other team and push them back when they get close. As with all decks I seem to make, the only downside is step attack warriors that get loose. But then, I think there is an issue with warriors anyway...
  5. I´ve managed to do relativelly well with a 2Warrrior 1 Wizard build (All Humans). It is a modified version of Bash Brothers, but while one of the brother does the bashing, the other one has powerful Stab cards to outrange oneshotting warriors and surprise helpless priests with relativelly high damage, then arm myself to the teeth with parries to avoid the infamous All Out One Shots, even my wizard, which is mostly a spark-oriented area denial spellcaster

    It had done pretty well, specially in MP Dungeon, when a single Team Run can often pin out a singled out target with all the X, Team cards in the deck for a quick turn 1-2 kill, but of course, i´m now trying to experiment with different builds, can´t put all my eggs in one basket

    Also, i digress about the whole "Warriors are an Issue" deal, "Warriors buffed by Priests and Unholy Wellspring" is slightly more accurate

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