Mauve Manticore request thread

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by Kalin, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I love Mauve Manticore and wish we could have a new one every month. But people aren't submitting enough maps to make that possible, so I'm going to try to encourage things a little...

    This is a thread for people to make requests for things they want to see in future Mauve Manticores. And "things" can be anything: monsters, art, strategies, tags, whatever. Just post what you want here.

    (My motives are entirely selfish. The holiday figures are returning, so I need more pizza, and I need it before the end of the year. And while I have a good record with MM, I don't currently have enough ideas to fill an issue all by myself, so I need other people to submit things too. Making maps is hard work, but you get 500 pizza if yours is chosen!)
    FDrybob, Flaxative and tuknir like this.

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