Mark items equipped by other characters

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Jandau, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Jandau

    Jandau Kobold

    The issue arose when I created my multiplayer party (as prompted by the game). This party came with their own items. Now, a cool feature is that I can use their items on my single player party (and vice versa). However, a not so cool feature is that when I'm selling items, the ones equipped on my alternate party also show up and are in no way shape or form (that I've seen) distinguished from non-equipped items. So every time I want to sell something I have to double check if it's equipped on one of my alternate characters or risk emptying a slot. A simple line of text in the item popup would fix this; something along the lines of "Equipped by [CHARNAME]".

    Of course, I'm aware of the possibility that this feature is already in the game in some form and I'm just blind as a bat, in which case, please point it out :)
  2. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Nope, its not in of the many things in the devs to-do list. I'd prefer a simple fix to glow the items which are equipped in my MP party when I'm in my SP screen and vice versa.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    There is no inventory marker yet, sadly - however there is a toggle which allows you to only show items "unused" by any of your parties - marked all in it's neutral state. It's very useful, and is on the inventory part of the shop inventory. Hope that alleviates some of the pain.

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