On one hand, MM is generally a terrible rng-fest where you endlessly restart until you get the cards to beat an unwinnable situation. On the other hand, there is an epic item locked behind the otherwise pointless waste of time. Please stop picking MM designs that revolve around facing a ridiculously OP opponent that you have to hope continuously screws up every round due to terrible AI. Someone already did that one, many many times. At the very least please stop balancing them so you need to wait for your best cards to win. If you got winnable cards half of the restarts that would be fine. Endlessly restarting is not fun or clever design, it's just being that gross DM who tries to kill the party so nobody has fun.
Here are couple of things you can do about it: Start creating your own MM adventures Give feedback to MM scenario designers (preferably before they're picked for actual MM, but posting on the corresponding thread on the Adventure Discussion and Strategy subforum is still better than general whining). Give feedback to devs, when the new MM hits the test server (usually 2 - 5 days before it's officially rolled on the live server) For example, I pointed out that MM #19.1 (The Case of the Fiendish Troll) was perhaps too hard and more suitable as the first adventure, since you get free retries.
Disagree strongly. They had the troll level third in MM 19 and moved it to first so people could restart easily. I was beating it the first time I played it and resigned so I could play the level again, I was having that much fun. Took I think three or four more tries to have the cards fall correctly (retal mutation, combustible on the trolls, enough movement). Classic MM level, one of my favourites. The other two were pretty good, especially the third, won both comfortably on the first try. Pissed that I lost one of the gnome inciters on the third level, I like to rescue everyone on those pitched battle MMs.
There's a bit of RNG in the first one, but it's part of the fun I feel, it's always nice to see what handicaps you can get on the trolls and what boosts you get when you convert. The time limit was a bit unnecessary but oh well.
The latest MM actually is a pretty good one, maybe even one of the best so far, ok map 1 requires a bit of luck but is pretty good nevertheless, the other 2 should pose no problem on the RNG front.
I wish I could like @Pawndawan's post more times. There are many, many ways to influence the Mauve Manticore contest. If anyone is unhappy about the scenarios that get into the game, they should consider trying some of the things Pawndawan pointed out.
I beat the first map on the second try (first try showed me how important it is to keep the mutant alive). I haven't beaten the second map yet, might try again tonight (and I haven't done the previous 2 MMs either).
Luck is always a viable way to win... but I'd suggest that if you're relying on particular combinations of cards to come up, then you might want to rethink your strategy. Just because luck can let you win doesn't mean luck is the only thing that can let you win.