For curiosity sake, is there any kind of lore for legendary, epic or named items or is it mostly vague concepts at the moment? The only bit that I know of is Hand Of Melvelous associated with an in-game character.
Many are jokes. Some are references or homages, like the Xemu items. Some are both, like Slippogriff Caviar from the Slippogriff. For the rest . . . Would you like to see some lore pulled out of thin air? I think this forum can do it.
The troll cigars and the snobbit pipe are both things my awesome self enjoy to partake in. Information for those curious this is not tobacco made by trolls and snobbits the cigars are rolled with the finest troll skin and the pipe is stuffed with crushed snobbit dreams of grand adventures.
I didn't know about the Caviar since I only got up to the Pools of Slime module in the beta. The joke/reference/homage names are understandable if one knows the reference. Heck, I'm hoping a future expansion will contain a legendary item Eye of Melvelous as a reference to Hand of Vecna and Eye of Vecna. Perhaps I'm not expressing my curiosity correctly. I'm not asking for random fanfic lore. I'm asking more along the lines of if there's a kernel of game world lore and setting that the characters of the characters that we are playing exist in. (Yes, a bit of nesting a game world inside a game world of the game that we are playing in.) I'm also not expecting such lore to be deeply serious either. I'm simply curious about named items with, what seems to me, an unusual mix of cards beyond the strictly practical deck building strategies. As an example, Relic of St. Darqar has 1 Cause Fumble and 2 Sapping Touch. Another example would be who Red Jon is, in terms of lore, to have the items Red Jon's Boots and Red Jon's Staff. As for equipment/treasures with specific references or homages, by all means hit me with them. I'm sure I'm not the only one who either hasn't been exposed to or doesn't immediately realize the reference/homage.
I know Dorian named the items, so he's the one with the knowledge of any obscure lore references. I think a lot of them are pretty tongue-in-cheek or based on his own gaming history. There's an Iron Crown item which I always figured a homage to ICE and/or Morgoth.
Too late. Hand Of Wicna. Eye Of Wicna. For game world lore, I'm absolutely interested in what you're describing. After reading the commentary from Sister Verity Cornwall in Team Heal and Trained Bludgeon, I want to know as much about this intriguing "healer" as I can. Then there's St. Joleph, referenced all over the place. And then, of course, these are just from flavor text: there are all the OTHER saints named in item titles. So I know you're not asking for fanfic. I'd like to know the real lore, too. But in the past, people have had fun creating flavor text for cards--text which wasn't used, as the creators had their own designs, but still. So I'm sure we could invent something amusing to pass the time.