Story: It's that time of the year again. Time for the 'Annual Batford-Stafford Reconciliatory Lunch & Funtimes'. It's the worst time of the year, it brings back memories of all the times your cousin Batford won the annual cake baking contest. Those contests were clearly rigged! This year the lunch is hosted in your estate, and you intend to turn the tables. You have asked one of your chefs to prepare a special cake, a cake to end all cakes. You arrive at the lunch site and have only four words for your cousin and his lackeys before your plan is set in motion. "Let them eat cake!" Screenshot: Spoiler: Screenshot Epilogue: Groans fill the lunchsite, this will be a Reconciliatory Lunch not soon forgotten! You shove away your miserable cousin, order the servants to start cleaning and eat a little bit of leftover cake. You're not sure which is sweeter, the cake or the taste of victory.
I only try maps out if they look fun or have an interesting concept, this looked fun. Very easy but fun like I expected