Lf, Bandit & Daily Deal Multi-Dip explained

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Lord Asriel, May 7, 2016.

  1. Lord Asriel

    Lord Asriel Kobold

    Let me first thank the many people who helped me for this. I can remember now Magic Elves, Valadilene, CMind and Pawndawan. Scarponi also deserves considerable mention, it's on one of his post I learned about triple lf dip.

    NOTE: I could be wrong, we' re chatting over. I'll edit this line when things are verified by all.

    The aspect of this thread is to explain the infamous daily deal double dip and loot fairy (and bandit) triple dip. I will gather all details here, then I'm gonna make the second post as a walkthrough/time schedule/algorithm for people who want to do best without thinking too much.

    Each real world day can be split into two phases. Phase 1 is the time between server reset (00:00 utc) and lf reset time. Phase 2 is lf reset till (next) day server reset.

    The true maximum rate is one lf per phase (2 per day), and one daily deal copy per two phases (1 per day).

    Triple loot fairy dip refers to a technique that transfers one phases's worth of lf into the next one. Specifically: One may transfer a phase 1 lf dip to phase 2 as long as they have their client open before and during all phase 1. This means that they will enter phase 2, able to do the new lf, and still have the right to reload the game, clearing ran adventures and do the same lf again. It is a variation that gives exactly the same number of lf dips per day:2. It is called "triple" because both the lf dips in that day and the next day's phase 1 dip will be at the same location.

    Note however, that if there is some serious reason to make one utilize this tactic, like "I haven't paid for this adventure" or "this adventure is too long and I bore", this means they will probably not do it in phase 2 of the previous day either, leading to 3 lf dips in two days. I am not being too enlightening here: it's like saying "you still better pray for easy lf locations".

    Quite similarly, but easier, dual daily deal refers to transferring the daily deal dip of one day onto the next. This does not lead to loss, as you get two double dips per two days instead of one per day, which is the same. You can't double dd two days in succession though.
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  2. Lord Asriel

    Lord Asriel Kobold

    reserve guide space
    gosh that's hard!
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  3. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Not actually accurate. A typical double dip yields 2 lf per a "real world day" (2 phases), maybe you meant 4 lf over 4 phases? A "triple dip" more or less transfers one of those dips to a different day resulting in the same number of LFs whether you triple or double.

    Normal LF Double dip:
    Day 1
    Phase 1: Location A
    Phase 2: Location B
    Day 2
    <Reload Game>
    Phase 1: Location B
    Phase 2: Location C
    Day 3
    <Reload Game>
    Phase 1: Location C
    Phase 2: Location D

    Total LFs: 6

    LF Triple dip
    Day 1
    Phase 1: Location A
    Phase 2: Location B (Don't play any other adventures)
    Day 2
    Phase 1: Do nothing
    Phase 2: Location C

    <Reload Game>
    Phase 2: Location C
    Day 3
    <Reload Game>
    Phase 1: Location C
    Phase 2: Location D

    Total LFs: 6
    What makes the triple dip non-optimal is you have to stay logged into the client continuously from the before phase one into phase two. What make the triple dip more optimal is that when the change over time of phase one and phase two coincide you lose a chance at the LF unless you triple dip. Hence most players will only ever do it once every 24 days if they do it at all.
    Last edited: May 8, 2016
    Potatus likes this.
  4. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    Scarponi is right, as usual.

    I will point out though that triple dip is good for the bandit; for obvious reasons...
  5. Lord Asriel

    Lord Asriel Kobold

    Scarponi, first of all thanks for your input, I've learned triple lf from one of your posts. Edited thanks accordingly. Please also give me the link of that post again.
    Now: At your second example. At day 2 phase 1, lf is not reset, so location should still be B. That means reload needed at start of day 2, and generally it falls exactly back to your first example.
    From how I understood from your post, I got this for lf triple:
    Day 1 Phase 1: Location A
    Day 1 Phase 2: Location B, undesirable, not done. Hold client open.
    Day 2 Phase 1: Location B, undesirable, not done. Hold client open.
    Day 2 Phase 2: Location C. <Reload>. Location C again.
    Day 3 Phase 1: <Reload>. Location C. Start of typical double-dip cycle.

    Which means 3 fairies for days one and two.

    But of course I meant 4lf per two days. Edited too and thanks.
  6. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Ha, I don't know where it is any more than you. ;)

    Oops, good catch. That's what I get for responding when I'm tired. Edited, it should be correct now.
  7. Lord Asriel

    Lord Asriel Kobold

    All right, I got you now. It seems I was thinking in a way of "obviously if one does nothing at day 2 phase 1 for some reason, the same reason will exist in day 1 phase 2" which is not necceserily true.
    Please ell me your opinion of the modified text. Hopefully I'll make the guide within the week.
    Last edited: May 8, 2016
  8. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    If you mean by "this tatic" the standard double dip you are correct, if you mean the triple dip... well the triple dip specifically does nothing in phase one, that's why it's worth doing that day.
  9. Lord Asriel

    Lord Asriel Kobold

    I just deleted that line and did not put anything else, since the 2 of the 3 dips within the same phase couold also be viewed as two phases merged. If someone has figured all the rest, I bet they understand this too. If not, the thread still is good for 95.83% of the time, and I'm good with that :)
    Scarponi likes this.

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