Lesser Contagion does not spread quite as promised

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Sir Knight, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Lesser Contagion says your triggering card "also targets the closest ally of that target. If there is more than one such ally, target all of them." My Priest, Warrior, and Wizard were standing in a line with the Warrior in the middle. My Priest cast Righteous Frenzy on my Warrior. It should have spread to everyone, but only my Priest got a copy of the attachment, not my Wizard.
  2. Kaerius

    Kaerius Orc Soldier

    Probably text error, as Contagion, the next step up, is two closest allies of the target.
  3. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    You sure this isn't referring to the type of ally so you can say curse 10 goblin avengers at the same time just my thought on it?
  4. Ben_Lee

    Ben_Lee Art Director, Chief Executive in charge of Laundry Staff Member

    That's a text bug. The card wording is incorrect, but the card is functioning as designed. Thanks!

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