[League] Triple Duel, Triple Volcanic Control Wizards

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by ClimbHigh, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. ClimbHigh

    ClimbHigh Mushroom Warrior

    We all knew this league is dominated by melee dwarfs.
    This build breaks the monotony and has a reasonably success rate.
    Weak against immovable or warriors has too many step attacks.
    And it require quite some legendary.

    Leia the Princess
    Level 21 Dwarf Wizard

    Beauty the Beast
    Level 20 Dwarf Wizard

    Claire the Cheerleader
    Level 10 Dwarf Wizard

    I've used this on only 1 league session. There probably are more wiser ones can improve it.
    Accent likes this.
  2. ClimbHigh

    ClimbHigh Mushroom Warrior

    Basically, the strategy is to teleport opponent to the other room.
    Let the walk all the way back, lay some volcano when appropriate.
  3. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    i was running a 3 human wizard team based on chask, reflexive teleport and telekinesis, standing my ground with moderate success. Problem is i timed out in a good portion of the matches.
    Flaxative likes this.
  4. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    Nice! I was thinking of trying 3x Elf Wiz just to see if I could do it, but this looks very solid.
  5. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

  6. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    A variation that can handle, shift, outmaneuver and damage the typical parry heavy melee teams with ease. (might be a bit aristocat). But again, takes more time.

    Flaxative and Pawndawan like this.
  7. Wildarm

    Wildarm Ogre

    This is exactly the issue I see with control decks in triple duel. Most of the time you're throwing all your resources into pushing opponents into a far away room leaving little chance to get VP yourself. This tends to lead to long games and timeouts. That being said, they have given me a run for my money with my 3 dwarf warrior build even with the extra mobility I have built into it. Never lost to one though.
    Flaxative likes this.
  8. Inkfingers

    Inkfingers Thaumaturge

    Inspired by @ClimbHigh, I decided to make my own version of the Geomancer/Lava build, because I'm always up for some Geomancy.

    My version of this was actually 2 wiz 1 priest, with the priest running a pair of St. Ulrich's Bones, and both my wizards running Staff Of Fiery Sparks/Xipil Rings for the volcano. Built for high-value lightning attacks to take advantage of Electroporter Novice to the fullest, they would situate themselves in the spaces 2 away from the VPs and blast away at anyone foolish enough to stay there. I went 3/1 in the latest league, with my only loss being to @Mad Mage and his teleporting dwarf warriors. I had an absolutely amazing game against @Obernoob in there, which came right down to the final minute on both our clocks before I forced one of his dwarves onto lava and ended it.

    But more important than all that... every game was FUN. It wasn't the sock-em-bop-er stand-there-and-take-your-parries-like-a-man grindfest that always seems to happen with the inevitable 2+ Dwarf Warrior builds that always seem to happen. Each game was decided on the tactical skill of its participants, rather than a mirror match where the only differentiation is who went first and who drew more parries.

    In many ways, the build only worked because of the limited scope of the format - I must have seen at least a dozen parries discarded without being used over the course of four games. That kind of card advantage is nothing to laugh at.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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