Didn't catch the new text on Leadership that specifies *other* allies may draw cards. Cast it with only one character remaining, and the system doesn't seem to know how to handle it: BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Tree Forts Light,Room=TFGK (CapnCurry),RoomID=141,Msg=The active player is now CapnCurry BATTLE LOG: Player=CapnCurry,Scenario=Tree Forts Light,Room=TFGK (CapnCurry),RoomID=141,Event=PlayAction,Action=Leadership,Instigator=Akitoma,Targets= MESSAGE: Error #1125 STACK TRACE: RangeError: Error #1125 at com.cardhunter.data.components:iscardThenDrawComponent/queueNextDiscard() at com.cardhunter.data.components:iscardThenDrawComponent/applyEffect() at com.cardhunter.data::Card/resolve() at com.cardhunter.battle::Action/resolve() at com.cardhunter.battle.commands::ResolveActionCommand/execute() at com.cardhunter.battle::Battle/run() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::BattleScreen/dequeueCommand() at com.cardhunter.pcclient:layActionCommand/end() at com.cardhunter.pcclient:layActionCommand/update() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::CardHunterScreen/updateCommands() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::BattleScreen/updateCommands() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::CardHunterScreen/update() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::ScreenRoot/update() PARTY: (utf_string) Name: Adventuring (int_array) ActiveChars: [13,14,15] (sfs_array) Members: (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 1045 (int) 1937 (int) 177 (int) 1235 (int) 1126 (int) 760 (int) 300 (int) 1457 (int) 100064 (int) 100101 (int) charIndex: 2 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 1019 (int) 1799 (int) 1000 (int) 681 (int) 1457 (int) 823 (int) 606 (int) 1609 (int) -1 (int) 100330 (int) charIndex: 3 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 260 (int) 1950 (int) 737 (int) 988 (int) 1140 (int) 988 (int) 1913 (int) 1416 (int) -1 (int) 100301 (int) charIndex: 4 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 1955 (int) 863 (int) 1303 (int) 1125 (int) 1110 (int) 458 (int) 1909 (int) 1464 (int) -1 (int) 100306 (int) charIndex: 5 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 592 (int) 658 (int) 1771 (int) 681 (int) 290 (int) 1542 (int) 823 (int) 1005 (int) 100078 (int) 100325 (int) charIndex: 6 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 1672 (int) 512 (int) 14 (int) 1840 (int) 681 (int) 1867 (int) 280 (int) -1 (int) 100285 (int) charIndex: 7 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 501 (int) 1640 (int) 1058 (int) 757 (int) 681 (int) 1874 (int) 1418 (int) 100051 (int) 100269 (int) charIndex: 10 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 1661 (int) 1669 (int) 1669 (int) 636 (int) 681 (int) 148 (int) 1457 (int) 100063 (int) 100224 (int) charIndex: 13 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 1101 (int) 871 (int) 871 (int) 1848 (int) 862 (int) 766 (int) 1426 (int) 100063 (int) 100269 (int) charIndex: 14 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) 1808 (int) 751 (int) 1765 (int) 1096 (int) 1457 (int) 536 (int) 486 (int) 1572 (int) 100067 (int) 100336 (int) charIndex: 15 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) charIndex: 1 (int) Index: 1 CLIENT COMMANDS: BATTLE COMMANDS: com.cardhunter.battle.commands::ResolveActionCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::IncrementActivePlayerCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::CheckForTraitsCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::StartScoringPhaseCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::StartDiscardPhaseCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::EndTurnCommand CLIENT VERSION: 0.6839
I can confirm the fix as of Version 0.6861. BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS (CapnCurry),RoomID=25070,Msg=The active player is now CapnCurry BATTLE LOG: Player=CapnCurry,Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS (CapnCurry),RoomID=25070,Event=PlayAction,Action=Leadership,Instigator=Akitoma,Targets= BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Pass Lookouts,Room=PASS (CapnCurry),RoomID=25070,Msg=The active player is now Gary That was fast work - thanks!