Jointed custom module.

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by tuknir, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Hey peeps, i had a idea, lets try make a 3 to 5 battle module. The first person makes the first map and the first part of the story, and then another person makes the second part that MUST continue on the same story line. Would be a cool idea to make a module and to show case the skills of map design and story telling of different persons. Any takers?
  2. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    This is a great idea! Count me in for one scenario.
  3. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter


    Who writes the first part of the story ? I don't mind even if it goes on to become a 30-50 episodal scenario :p
  4. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Haha. Dibs on not creating the opening scenario. I love editing and remixing, but I find a blank canvas utterly paralszing.
  5. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    I have a nice idea for a opening scenario, i can go first, unless phaselock you want it? or anyone else?
  6. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Go ahead, just post. Otherwise, it'll never get started. Still busy hunting bugs. :D
  7. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season


    The small city of EverGreen lives in fear, to the east there's a strange and evil looking castle. The inhabitants say they hear strange noises and screams of pain at night.
    Raids from the castle have been attacking the surrounding towns and taking prisioners, both from human towns and other races.

    Part A) Take the Draw-Bridge
    You were tasked, by the mayor of EverGreen to infiltrate the castle, a task easier said than done. You arrive at the castle, but between you and your goal there's a nasty welcoming party and even nastier moat. You must hurry up, kill your enemies, and take the bridge before they have time to lift it.

    (Note: the dwarves were tortured into servitude -hint-hint-)

    Attached Files:

  8. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Ok, im done. Phaselock you want do the second part? then maybe someone else makes the third?

    edited: i droped 1 guard from the battle and adjust the vp number. If want a harder battle just increase the number of guards back to 3
  9. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    My contribution: proofreading!
  10. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Thanks Kalin, fixed. ;)
  11. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Part B) Inside the Castle Courtyard

    Your party manages to make it past the drawbridge alive and the castle doors slam shut behind, cutting off your retreat. You find yourself in the castle courtyard. There are piles of dog poo and bones scattered all over. To the far north, you spy castle steps leading into the castle proper. But a small retinue of guards have gathered to prevent you from advancing any further. As you dither, armored dogs are released into the courtyard from the east and west. You are surrounded, there is no escape ! Kill everything to advance.


    Total enemy hp: 158

    Attached Files:

    tuknir likes this.
  12. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Seems pretty nasty, later going to give it a go
  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I'll take part in this - I won't reserve until I can get started however, in case anyone wants to go ahead in the interim.
    Phaselock likes this.
  14. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Well if noone comes foward, you do it Pengw1n and we do a 4-battle module :D. We lets Farbs end it with a big bang :D. If someone comes foward then lets make a 5 one
  15. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Pengw1n, seems none wants to do it. so gogo
  16. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Sadly been very busy and haven't even had much time to play last week - so can't make any promises currently. Sorry Tuknir. :(
  17. Farbs

    Farbs Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm also surprisingly swamped at the moment, sorry. I thought I would have time for this, but I was wrong.

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