Item swapping in mercernary-for-hire shops

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Phaselock, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    This happens only in Songsword Tavern and Orc's Head Tavern. Normally, it is trivial to perform item swapping between your main party and reserves as long as the talent pips allow. If the talent pips don't allow, the items being swapped will drop to inv. However, in the GB and OHT shops...the invs are not visible. So, when you swap a zero-talent item with a single talent item from reserve to main party char (with both chars at max talent usage), the log shows:

    Error in ItemDisplay::eek:nTransfer() - Either origin or destination is null or not ItemContainerDisplay

    This happened to me when I tried to swap Sharp Bashing with Advanced Gouging from dwarf warrior to elf warrior. Sharp Bashing managed to equip successfully but Advanced Gouging disappeared. No matter, just exit the shop and the offending slot will be restored. However, for newbies...the visual effect is one of item loss/disappearance. I don't see why item swaps cannot occur in such shops but what should be done to items that fall to inv in places where the inv view is not enabled ?
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    We have two options: we could disallow such swaps or we could just be OK with the item disappearing temporarily.

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