I kinda just assumed he was still doing the item arts and piecing them together with items but if not just let me know and ill go through all my items and find the stragglers
Oh, you ain't up to date, buddy! Check out: Corinthian Boots Arcane Crown Tough Hide Shirt Rusted Headdress And whatever Wozarg finds.
Cudgel of Wrath Fulg's Cleansing Pot Hand of Melvelous Reynoldo's Boots Suuv's Boots of Escape Amulet of Illusions Gold Ingots Large Adventurine Turquoise Crown Crown of Illusion Neophyte's Cleaver
Command Skills are new and I didn't notice that in the chart. Guess I'll have to make some new ones...
A lot of human "command" racial seems to have reverted to non-art state. Pretty sure it showed some sort of art before patch. Command Flexible Command Apprentice Command Novice Command Untrained Command
Ilimer's Boots art needs re-sizing, I think. Crimson Morningstar missing art Lattimore's Relic missing art There are some items with the same art, but these might be fixed in the coming great boot / arcane item purge