Issue with interface when moving/drafting (suggestion'ish)

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Haxzploid, Oct 5, 2014.


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  1. Haxzploid

    Haxzploid Ogre

    I am quite sure many people have experienced this. Question is if it needs to be dealt with. :)

    Game feels responsive most of the time. As in cards change/hi-light when you mouse over them in your hand. Information pops up when mousing over a character. like: "dwarf priest xx/xx" and LoS for that character.

    However in certain situations. ex. a character is moving or when drafting in quickdraw the interface becomes non-responsive, as in you can't access character info (somestimes a bit annoying in quickdraw since you can't see what you are up against unless you know the basic figurines of every race/class, minor issue i give you that) When opponent is moving a character it feels like game has frozen game becomes unresponsive. While you are moving a character by choice or because a card triggered you have no way of checking LoS using the interface, you sort of had to check in advance should a move trigger. There are probably other scenarios that could be mentioned.

  2. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

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