In-store feature request: dynamic token-aware sorting ("TAS")

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by wtfbrambles, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. wtfbrambles

    wtfbrambles Kobold

    Long story short, I would love a way to have the list of available items to equip (within a category) change dynamically to reflect my available power tokens. As far as I can tell, with current sorting methods, I have to 'arrange by Power requirements' and then scroll through all my items until I reach items that use the available (or fewer) power tokens I have. In an ideal world, I could check a box that would revise the list of items shown based on the number of power tokens available for the character.

    Here's a demonstrative example of what I run into now:

    My wizard has equipped everything except one Staff slot. He currently has 1 minor power token (MiPT) available. I have to hunt through to find every staff that requires 1 or fewer MiPT. If I switch another item he is wearing to free up 1 major power token (MaPT) then I have to start again from the top of the item list -- for each item type I am considering swapping out.

    Here's how it could work with Token-Aware Sorting (TAS):

    My wizard has equipped everything except one Staff and one Arcane Item slot. He currently has 1 MiPT available, so with 'token-aware sorting' enabled, the list of available items for his Staff slot is limited only to those that require 1 MiPT or fewer. After un-equipping his other Staff, he frees up an additional MiPT and a MaPT. The list of available Staff items automatically changes to show items that require any of these combinations: 1 MiPT, 2 MiPT, 1 MiPT + 1 MaPT, NoPT. Staff items requiring 2 MaPT are not shown.

    The 'Usable' button:

    The current 'Usable' option is only vaguely useful, as it discriminates purely by class basis. This is only marginally different than simply selecting the item categories specific to the character you're buying for -- it saves time but it still shows an unsorted, cluttered list. Compare that with clicking the slot you wish to equip for the character, which will set both the store and player inventory to display that item type.
    Mutak likes this.
  2. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

    Agree. Usable needs to be smarter when a slot is selected.
  3. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yeah, I was thinking about this. Currently "usable" filters by things the current character can use. That includes anything that they potentially have tokens available for (including tokens currently used by another item).

    The reason I did this was so that you can see items that you could swap in and use token from another replaced item to equip.

    However, perhaps it's better to only show items that you have tokens free to use.

    Or I could add another filter option that worked this way. Not sure how I'd label it though.
  4. Lockon

    Lockon Mushroom Warrior

    Um, how about renaming the old usable filter to "possible" and have usable do what the op suggests, or reverse it, whatever makes sense. I was thinking, the possible filter is everything you may possibly be able to use, with or without jiggling the tokens, and usable is everything you absolutely can use, no jiggling required. Just a thought.
  5. karadoc

    karadoc Hydra

    In my opinion, it would be a little bit better if 'usable' was changed to only include items that the character has enough available tokens to use; but the 'available tokens' should include the tokens currently used by that highest cost item equipt in that slot so that all items which could replace a current item would be shown. If the player wants to see the other items which require more tokens, they can either use 'all' (which is still filtered by item type), or they can unequip something to free up more tokens. (If the player intends to use more tokens, then they'll eventually need to unequip something anyway.)

    In my view, the 'usable' filter should definitively should which items could be dragged into the slot right now. So it shouldn't include items which require additional tokens, but it should include items which could be equipped by replacing existing items in the same slot (and thus using those tokens). Also, when doing one of the drawback-items-only quests, the 'usable' filter should only show items that are allowed for the quest.

    Adding another filter would be ok... but I don't think it's good to have a heap of different filters that are only marginally different from one another, because it just becomes cluttered.


    On a slightly unrelated note, but still on the topic of swapping items; I think it would be good if the game would automatically swap (majortoken) for (minortoken) whenever it was needed to free up a (majortoken) to equip a new item. For example, suppose my character has a total of 2(minortoken)+1(majortoken), and I have equipped 3 items which each require 1(minortoken). Suppose now I want to swap in an item which requires (majortoken). If I try do to this swap on one of the slots which is only using a (minortoken), the game won't allow it even though the token requirements can be met. To make it work, I have to unequip an item to free the (majortoken) and then equip the new item. It's just a minor chore which I'd prefer wasn't necessary. (I've noticed that the game already rearranges power tokens so that the most powerful ones are made available if they aren't in use - so what I'm suggesting is a bit of an extension to that.)
    Mutak and Keyser like this.
  6. Mutak

    Mutak Goblin Champion

    I like karadoc's idea but i think it should only take into account free tokens and the tokens in the specific slot i have selected. I'm usually picking my most expensive items first and then using the filters to find the best fits for the remaining items.

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