I want dat exp!

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Pootis Man, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Pootis Man

    Pootis Man Kobold

    Okay, i may understand than i must wait one day to replay adventures. You probably want to stop people from grinding. But reducing my heroes level and giving me 0 exp for completing adventures seems to be not cool for me. You know, sometimes i'm really mad, cause i like replaying adventures for fun, or to check my strategy on some easy opponents. In Kingdoms CCG, when you start a battle for the first time, you get lots of gold, and usually a new card. When you replay it, you still get some gold. Always. Imagine than you replay a mission from the first location, but after the battle, you see than you get 0 gold. That's very bad, because in Kingdoms CCG new, good cards usually cost you a few hundred gold, and you can get it in campaign, or in multi. If you suck, you go get gold in campaign, and after some time, you go back to multi. But in Card Hunter, after some time, the starter adventures will be less fun, cause i will get only some junk to sell for a few coins.
    I just will be happy to get, um, maybe around 50% of the basic exp? You know, some adventures are really hard, and i just want to make my heroes a bit stronger.
  2. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    You stop getting exp when you're 3+ levels above the content. Considering you're intended to be even leveled with it your first time through, that's hardly an obnoxious restriction. And you still get some loot for redoing it.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Also, you can always create a new party to replay the adventures - for full xp and loot, instead of grinding with an overleveled party. You can still make your main team stronger by having the backup team get more items for them to use while levelling up.
  4. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    Indeed, I think the best plan is to create a second party (cost 30 gold) when your first party reaches level 9-10, then you can advance either party in the range that is normal to them.
  5. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I play three parties, almost from the very beginning (I bought some pizza in beta, so after release I immediately bought three starter packs). And I try to keep them all the same level, so if an adventure is slaughtering my elves, I can try my dwarves instead.
  6. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    At the end of the day, the game is about hunting cards. You do get new items as you replay adventures. XP is there just to allow for natural progression through the campaign. Also, the game would be very boring and too easy to grind if you could over-level all the campaigns.

    I'm also thinking of starting a new, completely different team for exp and loot. It will get much quicker this time round, after all you already got some loot from your first playthrough. Also remember to go through quests which are 2+ above your level to get 20 exp each! You can level characters in no time and get some loot in the process.

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