I made some boards that I might submit to that player contest. Comments appreciated. The idea is that the upper half is very good for wizards, but all the victory squares are on the bottom half. The wizard can stand behind the water and hit the middle victory square, but not the other two.
Bones and gold: Winter and summer: Those patches of ice is difficult terrain. I dunno if that is obvious or not. Circles in circles:
There's a small risk of stalemate on the first board as melee characters might not be able to cover the ground and return in one turn. Otherwise I love boards like this, and all three of them look very cool.
Bones and Gold is too dwarf friendly. But the rest, even though they are a bit too big and most dont have enough cover look good.
Ruins in the jungle: The middle victory point is a pretty safe spot for a warrior. The other two less so. A second version of Bones and Gold that is less friendly to dwarfs: A second version of Strange Architecture. Smaller, the recomended 13x13 tiles.
Yep! Not that everything in the game makes sense or is realistic, but that's a convention we've upheld for realism reasons (and because it's nonintuitive to move through those gaps). Basically one rule of thumb on the board is you can never cross a thick black line, and we avoid publishing boards that let players break that rule.
New versions of the boards, sans narrow gaps. Ice water: Winter and Summer: Circles in circles: Strange Architecture: Ruins in the jungle:
Thanks. I did a new version of Ruins in the Jungle. The point is that the victory squares are different. The middle one is supposed to be sheltered. I made it more so, cutting off some squares on the side that could target it. The lower victory square is supposed to vulnerable. I made it more so by making the pond bigger.