I am obsessed with shapes! Please read me!

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by crabbadon, May 2, 2013.

  1. crabbadon

    crabbadon Kobold

    Talents go clear>bronze>silver>gold as you level up. That makes sense.
    But they go circle>square>triangle>pentagon! That makes no sense!
    Circle>triangle>square>pentagon is a much more logical procession. Please update immediately ;)
    Dorque and Zalminen like this.
  2. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    You might still have that order wrong. It could go triangle (3 sides)->square (4 sides)->pentagon (5 sides)->circle (infinite sides). :)
  3. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    I'd prefer triangle -> square -> pentagon -> hexagon to leave yourselves room for expansion, for when Card Hunter turns out to be so successful that you decide to extend the game up to level 99 (or beyond) :p
    j-wiz likes this.
  4. crabbadon

    crabbadon Kobold

    j-wiz: I can't believe you'd mock such a serious issue by suggesting we aren't counting by corners, as is natural and correct.
  5. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    You all are forgetting the inside, as well the outside! So, modify your numbers accordingly! :D
  6. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Updated thread title to reflect post content.

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