How difficult would it be to create Hybrid classes with the ability to equip items from 2 classes or even all three? Limiting it of course to the 36 cards in a deck. More importantly would this be a good idea? I just keep wanting to play martial skills on a priest. And a Mage Knight sounds sweet! Spoiler: Mage Knight Staff (6) Weapon (6) Armor/Robes (3) Helmet (3) EDIT* Boots (3) Shield (3) 3x Arcane Item (9) Martial/Arcane Skill (3) Racial Skill (3)
The Mage Knight can equip two boots. Y'know, Mage boots and Knight boots. The Mage Knight is bootylicious.
@Juxtapostion: that's an interesting idea, the game will be more interesting with more charactors for old dogs like us, only the newbies need to learn a little bit more