How well do you know the game?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by BlackVoidDeath, Sep 29, 2015.


Rate yourself on how much you know about the game mechanics

  1. 1/10

  2. 2/10

  3. 3/10

  4. 4/10

  5. 5/10

  6. 6/10

  7. 7/10

  8. 8/10

  9. 9/10

  10. 10/10

  1. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    I know lots of players with endless items and great elo, but this thread isnt about them.
    I am talking about how much you know about how the game works.
    For instance (I thought everyone knew this rule, but everyone i'v told have said they dont pay attention) - the ai discards cards depending on their value: so if it had x2 Monkey Punch, x2 Disorienting Flip, x1 Pickpocket and x2 Scamper it would keep the 2 scamper.
    Gold quality card > Silver quality card
    Depending on how much you know I would like you to rate yourself - I am doing this to see how many people actually pay attention to how the game works against just playing and getting 20 chests in half an hour. Its possible to have 1850 elo and have 2/10 on this list (I dont think anyone is a 1/10. Dev's, I expect you to be 10/10)

    In what order do end of round/start of round effects trigger?
    Star -> Hand -> Character Attachments -> Terrain Attachments
    In what order do terrain attachments trigger?
    Starts from bottom then goes up and right, then cuts back down and works its way back up again.
    In what order do character attachments trigger?
    The player who's go it is first next round
    And a new question: Which discards first?
    The player who's go it is first next round (the player who passed first
    I am quite sure the last 2 answers are right, but correct me if I am wrong.
    What are the uses of purge?
    Remove enemy cards, remove handicaps, to proc altruism, to get blocked, to face the target, to provoke the enemy to face - quite the list you gave me :)
    What does hover really do?
    It ignores the stop on terrain attachments and start of round effects.
    Also, if there is a terrain attachment like Hot Spot over difficult terrain, and you have hover, then that fire terrain will be difficult (you would have to stop when moving over this tile)
    How is item level and rarity calculated?
    You can either do it the hard way, or just use Vakaz's Tool
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2015
  2. I expected a quiz of some description to test our knowledge about the game.

    Remember, the average person thinks they are above average, so your scoring curve might end up looking a little skewed
  3. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Then give me a quiz - give me questions and answers - PM me or just post the questions in the thread.
    I can edit them in.
  4. seth arue

    seth arue Thaumaturge

    Eh, I know that I don't know much. I've only played for 3 months.
    Or, as a famous profit said, "the only thing I truly know, is that I know nothing."
    Sir Veza likes this.
  5. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Games has practically no complexity compared to real live.
  6. Rohndil

    Rohndil Hydra

    I wonder about it every time I try to buff my Arrogant Armor wearer.

    First time I'm hearing about the AI discard criteria, I never really cared/noticed. Nice.
  7. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    This sounds pretty unknowable because people tend to be ignorant as to specifics of what they don't know.
    As a ballpark estimate I'll go with, "Less than @Scarponi does."
  8. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    I'd say I know about as much as Scarponi (maybe a bit less or a bit more)
  9. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    timeracers and GregarFalzar like this.
  10. We've spent some happy evenings together, but that doesn't mean that I could recite everywhere the game's been or where it dreams of being.

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