How to spend pizza wisely

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Mythd85, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Mythd85

    Mythd85 Kobold

    Hello everyone,
    i've joined the Beta a few weeks ago and finished the campaign : now that i'm through for the second time, i've decided to keep all the free pizza slices i get from the first modules, for a total of 150 slices.
    What's the beast deal (assuming i'm not into cosmetic upgrades) ?
    Should i unlock the last treasure hunts? Should i buy high level chests? Keep them all until higher missions are revealed?

    Share your thoughts!
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I bought enough pizza in the beta to unlock all the treasure hunts, so after release I immediately bought 3 starter decks (the racial ones). But if you're done with the campaign already, you probably don't want that.

    The treasure hunts are probably a good idea for you. What did you like in the campaign? What do you want to see more of?

    Batford's Manor has 6 maps and projectile attacks
    Wyverns has armored flying enemies with ranged attacks
    High Mountain has big melee monsters (Temple of Scales has one too)
    Swamp King has slimes (some new) with skeletons and zombies
    Geomancers have lots of terrain attachments

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