How to sell items or when client sends selling information

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Obernoob, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    Since I farm at the moment a little bit more, I come along a problem. I close the browser in which the client has run with me having ..99 gold. When I start the client the next time, I have some treasures and just ..34 gold. All items I have sold during the last raid are in my inventar again. For the treasures it would not be so important, since I can filter them. But there are so many useless items which I have to sort afterwards. And scrolling to all the items and selling common after common is no fun.

    So my question ist, when the client updates the information. If I noticed correctly, the information which items I sold and buy in a shop are updated instantly. Does that also mean, that my entire inventare is uploaded? Then in order to leave the game I 'just' have to visit a shop and sell/buy a randomn item in order to save my inventare?
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    I bet if you just type 'test' in the chat and if it doesn't disconnect you then you save.
  3. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I believe it saves whenever you leave the deck builder (keep, shops, loot screens). I know that if you've just opened the final chest for a module, then load a higher level party for the next module, it won't let you leave until your party is legal for the module you just finished.
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Sale transactions are processed when you make them, there's no need to exit or enter a shop to "save" them. It sounds like you experienced a major server glitch and, unfortunately, there's nothing that you could on your client to fix that.
  5. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    I've had this happen only a handful of times before [assuming I'm understanding the situation right], where the server just seems to desync without disconnecting.
    While I've had it happen in shop or loot chest, I've had it happen more often in matches; refreshing the page fixes any issues, and since the game always saves your last position, nothing (except your last action, or in the case of selling, actions) is lost.
    So it's nothing I've thought to mention before, especially given that it seems to be exceptionally rare in occurrence.
    Of course, my assumption had been that it's mostly an issue with my ISP, as it often causes me similar issues- but yesterday morning I was having similar issues with the game, having had to refresh it a few times before it worked properly, and that seems to match the same time frame as Obernoob's problem. Of course, that doesn't necessarily exclude my ISP as being the problem, or part of it :p

    It's not really a big deal to see a few items return to loot chest when you log in, or a sold item return to inventory/bought item to shop, but I guess if you're mass-selling-from-inventory and it happens, that'd be the one circumstance where it'd be actually annoying.
  6. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    It is not that easy to reproduce the issue. I tried several times and it appears only, if I am that fast with selling the items, that the gold is ticking up, while i am on the world map. So to give myself an answer: Just wait a second after selling the items.
  7. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    Oh. It may be a quirk of the server getting too many commands at once.

    If my internet quirks up [as it is wont to do] and holds off on sending a command and then I click again, maybe it's receiving it twice?

    It's a good thought, I'll try and be more careful in my timing.

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