How many bonus quests/challenge missions have you finished?

Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by attog, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. attog

    attog Mushroom Warrior

    I've been working my way through them, I think I have 126 completed so far.

    Aldones and Pengw1n like this.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Some nice effort put into the game there. I've been relaxing and just beat the game - have completed most non-1hp quests up to lvl 7. Find them relaxing and quite fun tbh. I never bothered in the beta, so maybe it makes sense to have them after the campaign after all...
  3. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    I've finished all-but-two of the 'no deaths' quests (enjoyably challenging), most of the 'drawback' quests (I have enough rare items for one decent build, but it fails hard against certain ranged foes), and I'm leveling alternate characters for the last couple of race/class challenges at the moment - kinda wish there were more of these since they're the only varied quest. I haven't had much luck with the low level quests though and I'm not touching the 1 HP quests with the traditional 10 foot pole.
  4. attog

    attog Mushroom Warrior

    I like them, I hope they add some more in the future as well. I've been neglecting multi player to try and work my way through all of these optional missions.
  5. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    I've gotten through about 12. The first couple Troglodyte ones and Cardstock II. I've only been able to do the 1st trog adventure w/ 1 HP. I'm going to avoid those for now. I have 6 days left on my club membership so I want to do as many of them as I can this weekend to maximize the return. :)
  6. ElShafto

    ElShafto Goblin Champion

    I've done 10, mostly the lower level ones. I did finish all four of the Troglodyte challenges. The 1 hp ones are the most daunting and seem to need the most top gear to try and finish. Did the 1 hp challenges exist in beta? And if not, has anyone completed them all yet?
  7. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    Those drawback quests are my next goal. During the campaign, I was selling all that stuff off because I didn't realize I'd need it for questing afterwards, so until very recently I had next to no drawback gear. That made attempting most of them naked a pretty useless effort.
    I sort of wish the game had warned me to hold onto that stuff because I'd need it for special challenges later on. Some of it is just as rare as any of the good rares. Sell it and you're likely not to see another one without a lot of extra grind...
  8. Eusix

    Eusix Orc Soldier

    I thought about making this thread today! Cool, now I can just respond though. :)
    I'm up to 91 quests completed.
    Very fun and challenging!
  9. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    I've done at least 80. Completed all of most of the lower level ones, working my way through all the drawback ones now. The 1hp ones (and to a lesser extent the underleveling ones) will be pretty brutal.
  10. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Done all the no party death. 75% of drawback only done. Done a few party-specific. Hasn't touched low lvl and 1 HP yet. Still relaxing and not slot-machining 15g yet.

    I'm eagerly waiting for the first person to complete all quest 100%, whoever that is going to be.
  11. HD23

    HD23 Orc Soldier

    I've done 109 quests. 26 No Deaths, 19 [Level - 8], 7 Race/Class restricted, 10 1-HP, and all 47 Drawbacks Only. I may have spreadsheets.
    Kalin likes this.
  12. Bandreus

    Bandreus Thaumaturge

    I've done 0 :confused: Too addicted to MP to tackle those atm :p
  13. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    Kinda neglecting these extra things after finishing the campaign, mostly because I go for my daily 3-6 MP wins in multiplayer and rarely have time for more that this (I know it's more 'time-efficient' to go up to 3 only, I just like the MP). BUT, these challenges do seem fun. I did all the dwarf-only (as my first team was dwarf-only) and some no-death/drawback challenges for the high level ones.

    I also started levelling a new team and try to do a those no deaths/drawback/race&class specific first on some low to mid level adventures, but I guess it will take me some time to do those.
  14. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I'm on the opposite end here, figured I'd go into mp after beating the campaign - but instead I have 2 new parties levelling up, and doing quests on the side. Heh. I'm surprised myself.
  15. Forduc

    Forduc Orc Soldier

    Only 26 so far.

    Mostly because I decided to start from the bottom and do all challenges for bunch of adventures. 1 HP proofed to be quite hard in many cases.
  16. Aldones

    Aldones Ogre

    I banged out all but 5 of the handicap dungeons in one night. What's weird was that my gear hasn't really changed much since I started. Two staff of the infernos and 4 runestones on one dwarf wizard and you're pretty much golden. Being squeamish only helps the card draw along, since none of your damage dealing abilities target anybody, and WoW lets you drag anybody who escapes back into the fire walls. I definitely recommend the steup if you have it. You'll have tons of tokens left over in the higher level dungeons if you happen to need them.
    This doesn't feel like much of a handicap, except for the fact my robes occasionally troll me with superstitious. Whoot.
  17. attog

    attog Mushroom Warrior

    I knocked out another 3 last night so I think I'm at 129. There are a few more that I know I can do but after that they seem to enter the realm of impossibilty.
  18. 38 quests. To go that is. Got all the drawback and no death ones, 15 1 hp quests and all but 7 of the lowlevel ones. Got all class specific ones except for elf wizards, but that's only a matter of time.
    Bandreus likes this.
  19. magnuslshs

    magnuslshs Kobold

    I got started with these a couple of days ago and have made 14 so far.
  20. 28 left. The latest one that I finished was the 1hp lair of the yellow dragon challenge. That one took about an hour and 4 revives. It can only get easier from here right?

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