How do I access my Basic Editions Treasure Quests?

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Calseeor, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Calseeor

    Calseeor Kobold

    Howdy all,
    Please forgive me if this is obvious but as a new player I'm having trouble finding the treasure quests I purchased. My characters are currently level 6 so that's where I'm at in the overall campaign.
    Any guidance would be appreciated. I'm really loving this game so far. :)
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    You should have seen your first treasure hunt at lvl 6 - it's the ones with the golden archways. First one to show up should be around your level mark (it's a lvl 6 adventure) - Defense of Woodhome.
  3. Calseeor

    Calseeor Kobold

    Thank you Penqw1n! I see that adventure now. I appreciate your help.
    Pengw1n likes this.

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