How come BM also doesn't make new Campaign content?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by mikey76500, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. mikey76500

    mikey76500 Hydra

    Dear Blue Manchu,

    I just realized something. You guys, being the nice guys you try your damndest to be, make a new Campaign mission every month in the form of those awful, more-luck-based-than-skill-based Mauve Manticores [nothing personal, but, I prefer to be able to have the power to NOT go into a battle with Defensiveness in my deck, thanks [MM18-1]].

    So, I can't help but to ask: Just as you slowly extend the collection of Mauve Manticores bit by bit, with time, why not continue to slowly extend the main campaign [and I don't mean with more expansions] bit by bit, with time, as well? Besides the 2 Caverns of Chaos missions, There's still no free Campaign missions past Lv. 17, and, so far as I've been able to see, no reason to at least allow Greenfang's Challenge to be a thing [front cover of the module says Lv. 18-22], after all the hard work we've had to go through with Melvin making us play from the start. :p

    A lot of MP-related touches have been done consistently near-constant through 2016, but, still no Campaign-related additions outside of expansions and MM's. Why not work on slowly expanding the main Campaign to Lv. 21 [or at the very least, making embarrassing Greenfang a thing [outside of CoC], already]?

    Someone who thinks that Campaign is being very, VERY neglected. [aka Mike]
    Sidi Scapin likes this.
  2. Rohndil

    Rohndil Hydra

    I'll just say that I'd love to see a Greenfang* module someday, be it free or in a new expansion.

    *Don't forget to put the sword of peerless sharpness, Temrun's mace and the demonfire staff among the loot!
    Sidi Scapin likes this.
  3. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Flaxative likes this.
  4. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Every expansion adds free content, doesn't it? I mean all the cards and items are free to use.
    timeracers likes this.
  5. Maniafig

    Maniafig Thaumaturge

    I don't think you're the only person to have this grievance, but I really do think that if all people who felt this way about the lack of non-MM content would try to contribute their own maps to MM that do fit their ideas of what they should be like that it'd both mean there would be a steady stream of better SP content and the pizza it could earn them can be used to play the expansions, as more SP content seems to be what the problem is here. Seems to me like everyone would gain from that.

    I'm also not sure how the campaign can be extended without it requiring enough new assets to make working on it not be wise from a financial perspective. I'd certainly like to see if but I'm not really seeing why it has to be free given Card Hunter is already such a generous free to play game with the content it offers. The campaign as it is seems like it has a fitting conclusion for the 'main story'. I'm personally partial to hard mode additions to existing campaigns like they were made for the AI modules.
  6. mikey76500

    mikey76500 Hydra

    @Pawndawan and @Maniafig: I just mentioned Greenfang's Challenge; we've already had that. At the very least, if nothing else is possible, include that. No additional enemies would be needed, because they're already coded and playable, and no new cards would be needed 'cause the enemies already have their playable decks set up--1st-time players face them all the time.

    Additional missions could also be made vis a vis Melvin's Melvelous The Magnificent and Gary's Against the Cockroaches, where additional map assets won't be needed because the mission is "created" by them. All that has to be supplied is the enemies, and let's face it, there's plenty of good ones to choose from, regardless of team Level [though >17 is needed, really], for a team to take on.

    No additional cards or enemies are required for either.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
    Sidi Scapin likes this.
  7. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Okay, so I have to admit I was drinking a lot last night so I might just be blurry on this but didn't we release a new singleplayer campaign this year? Six new modules to play?

    Regarding adding more free content, there's already a ton by any measure and actually creating well-balanced and entertaining adventures is a lot of work even with no new assets. So I would guess, though it's not set in stone, that future campaign additions will continue to be paid.
    adajon and Macizo like this.
  8. Macizo

    Macizo Guild Leader

    I would like to see level 22+ campain
    Hidden Jaguar and Flaxative like this.
  9. When you make comments like that you reflect poorly on all of Blue Manchu and the legacy of Irrational Games a bit. Old timers might be used to your "style", but the new folks might not be. And some of us are already annoyed by your "style". Even if BM made new content why would the OP want to give money to you and the devs after a reply like that. Doesn't seem like a professional response to me.

    And "Six new modules to play?" really? Not sure I count doubling up the same levels twice as six new modules...maybe 4.5 modules. Anyways the OP said "Campaign-related additions outside of expansions and MM's"!

    Clearly there is a growing community frustration on a few fronts but sometimes your responses to people make things worse.
  10. mikey76500

    mikey76500 Hydra

    @Flaxative: Just for the record, *YOU* said that you were drinking, not *ME*. xP

    But, srsly, that's the problem, sir. The 1st 3 AI missions weren't really Campaign additions as much as they were Mauve Manticore copycats, and as I mentioned, the vast majority of MM's--including the aforementioned MM18--require luck to be on your side much, much more so than skill, and they never feel fun, enjoyable, or challenging to me; just really, really tedious [It's ALWAYS tedious waiting for the all the planets to align correctly so that you can actually approach the Whorl in MM7-1 without getting Punishing Beamed to death].
    Personally, I'd rather fight 2 Blizkenrippers in a genuine campaign battle [where I can create my own responses to their combined power] than to ever do another MM, MM-esque, or QD [Throne Of The Mech Men, Battle 2] again in life; it never feels like an accomplishment to beat any of these as a result of the extreme luck factor involved.
    Only the hard AI missions allow for one to truly utilize actual strategies and skill sets, since you're not forced to have stuff like "Hear Them Out", "Unlucky", "Birthday Present", or "Trip" in your decks.

    I personally would like to see the creativity levels seen in AI unleashed in Campaign missions where you can actually [try to] construct your own deck to answer the situation put in front of you; Black Plume Mountain is the primest example currently available of a mission that is facedeskingly difficult, but, still an accomplishment and 7/8ths to beat because it's almost always YOUR fault for either 1) not having enough of the correct cards for the situation at hand, 2) using the cards haphazardly with no planning, forethought, anticipation or timing, or 3) the combination of both. Luck certainly had very, very little to do with my 7 losses to Bliz before I beat him for the 1st time 9 months back, that's for sure. :p

    The game already decides in which order we get the cards in our decks. Respectfully, sir, I personally don't like the game deciding that I HAVE to have cards in my decks that I'd never choose in a trillion years.
    35353 61444 and Sidi Scapin like this.
  11. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    @cycosurgeon - I was responding to the idea that the singleplayer side of things has been neglected, and explaining why most of our new singleplayer content is paid.

    @mikey76500 - you've made your opinions and interests quite clear. :)
  12. Sidi Scapin

    Sidi Scapin War Monkey

    I hate mm too. How much times u play there? One maybe two wins, and a lose map. Gg.
  13. mikey76500

    mikey76500 Hydra

    @Sidi Scapin: I've beaten all 20 of them [18 + 2 Supplements], but, that didn't come without a bunch of unneeded headaches. Your average MM battle released in-game would most likely play so much more enjoyably if they were actually Campaign side missions set at a certain level, that allowed you to set up strategies and decks that DIDN'T singlehandedly undo all the work they accomplish in 5 seconds [kind of like the Hard AI missions].
  14. HisRoyalHygiene

    HisRoyalHygiene Guild Leader

    Whoah. Guys, seriously. Just because you don't like a type of campaign doesn't mean it's bad or that BM shouldn't work on it. Personally, I really love the variety that MMs add to the game, not to mention it's a way for an incredibly small studio to release new content (maps and AA items) EVERY MONTH. A lot of triple A studios don't even do that!
    And the expansions are all really dope.

    As for the f2p campaign length, how many modules should there be? If BM were to add a new adventure every month, would you complain that they should release one every week?
    And who's going to pay for it?

    There is already a very generous amount of content available to non-paying players. By the time you've gone through it all, surely you've enjoyed yourself enough to throw the devs a bit of money. And if you're in a financial position where that's viable... how great is it that you haven't spent a cent on this game?

    I like that Flax isn't a bland PR bot.
    35353 61444, adajon, trrst and 4 others like this.
  15. mikey76500

    mikey76500 Hydra

    @HisRoyalHygiene: The fact that there is so much Campaign content is the single best thing about CH to me. Too many times, I've played games like CH where there either isn't a single player Campaign, or it's way too short. It's all well and good that CH is still alive and well after all the time it's been alive, but, I just think that the ratio of work put into CH falls much, much too heavily in favor of MP, where the "seniority factor" [my term for how those who have been playing the game for much longer than you have a tendency to do much better than you in MP, no matter what you run or which strategies you use] comes into play pretty much the nanosecond that your MP rating breaks 1200.

    In fact, the true professionals--you know, the ones who almost always have ratings at or above 1500--also benefit [both first, and most] from any additions and positive changes BM makes to MP, as well. As a result, it's never a bad thing to collect as much experience and skill as possible from Campaign. The problem, though is that BM is being so clever, that we're now playing missions that emphasize ways of playing that aren't the same way a Ranked MP match is played. This wouldn't be so bad, if said ways weren't so extremely luck-based.

    Again, the Hard AI missions are perfect examples of how good a Campaign mission can be if you're able to construct your own answers to the situations put in front of you. Quick Draw and Mauve Manticores helped me out absolutely zero when it comes to deck construction; by the time I got to Throne of the Mech Men, I already knew which cards I needed to tackle which kinds of enemies, so, the Quick Draw battle there was just luck-based shenanigans compared to the skill sets that Campaign has allowed me to attain over the 14 months I've been playing this game.

    More missions like the Hard AI ones are needed in Campaign. It's gotten to be so sadly neglected, lately; the 3 Hard AI missions was the 1st ones released in almost a year [since the ETTSC missions] that played like actual Campaign missions. That's way too long a gap in updates for the best mode in CH [IMO], especially since MP gets updated so much that it's nearly impossible to keep track.

    I'm not saying that QD's and MM's shouldn't be worked on. I'm saying that the main Campaign should be worked on MORE. Difference. :p
  16. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Apart from card balance changes, I'd say most (if not all) MP content (leagues / items) have been part of campaign expansions. So it's hard for me to buy your above statement.
  17. HisRoyalHygiene

    HisRoyalHygiene Guild Leader

    Campaign needs more work and they should continue the same amount of work on everything else. You realise that this request might be problematic, right?

    Once again, this comes down to a difference of opinions. I'm not a fan of the AI hard missions and much prefer their fixed deck counterparts. So who's opinion should BM listen to? Surely they should provide a range of SP experiences to cater for every different type of player. Is this not what they have done? You seem to be upset that there are campaign missions that you don't enjoy, even though others might. I might add that the QD mission is one of my all-time favourites. In fact, could we have a QD quest for every campaign level @Flaxative ?

    I disagree that a campaign should be teaching you one way to play a game. That would be incredibly boring and useless for the MP community. Not to mention Fixed Deck leagues ARE a part of MP.

    Dude, we're talking about a 1-2 person dev team. How often do you expect them to be releasing major updates? As for MP vs SP updates I definitely agree that you have lost track.

    As a "true professional" (although I fit your definition, I'm unfortunately not being paid for playing CH... another suggestion for Flax?) I'd really like to hear how we benefit more from additions and changes. Perhaps your point is that changes to MP like the recent summer balance changes disproportionately affect higher-end play. If you were looking for broken, unbeatable decks, would it not be a good idea to look at those 1800+?

    I think I have answered your post sufficiently. I hope my commentary isn't too harsh as I understand we all need a good whine every now and then. But having just had a stint playing a much worse CCG, I couldn't stand to have CH besmirched.
    Maniafig likes this.
  18. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Different parts of the game appeal to different people. I've only managed to complete one of the AI hard missions, but I love the third map of Throne and almost never die on it (just grab all the movement cards offered, especially step attacks).
  19. tolkien

    tolkien Thaumaturge

    @mikey76500 Because of all your fuss, I've made three new "campaign" levels for you. I haven't finished writing the story but it's kind of self-explanatory. Cardhuntrians are skeptical of all the new technology flooding their once peaceful (cough, cough) fantastical plane. Even now, a being of pure energy is piping her programming into mechanized headsets that she's bolting to the faces of kobolds, dogs, and elite guards. Message me if you want the maps.
    The above guys posting in response to your desires have all taken it upon themselves to add content, flavor, and fun to Cardhuntria through posts, analysis, maps, MMs, modding, etc. That would be my encouragement to you, find some work for your hands to do. Make the campaign content you want to see and put it up for us to playtest. I've even made a thread in response to your concerns. Perhaps BM could put us to work making new campaign levels much as they do with having contests for us to make new pvp maps and mm maps.
    ironwood vivam,
  20. wereviper

    wereviper Ogre

    For me personally, I have found this to be one of the most addicting CCG and over addicting game that I've ever played. I mean, for what it's worth as mentioned above, a one or two man dev team to put together a F2P game that doesn't have crap devs that make the game one huge paywall is a major bonus imo.

    I don't really play the SP end all that much myself because I enjoy the interaction of the multiplayer experence so much more! I've met a player on here who is no longer playing with us who helped me test and put my decks together along with a mod I've tested decks against too. I mean I don't have a high rating and yes I lose quite a bit of games to higher ranks and even some lower ranks that manage to out draw me to win the match but none of this has made me want to play any less. Matter of fact, I quite enjoy the challenges I get.

    As far as content and what not, for a F2P game, especially one like this that to me is more of a casual game to play when I can get on in between work and school, I've been very impressed with the content and the way the boards are set up and randomized. I've built quite a few characters in less than 6 months and I continue to change them and build and rebuild the decks again to find new and different stratagies to try and step up against more of the "professional" players.

    In conculsion, bravo to BM for all they do for being able to give players an enjoyable experence without having to empty out their wallets to have a fun card game that also combines a board game and has a D&D flavor to it all! Keep up the good work guys!

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