
Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by Potatus, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Potatus

    Potatus Orc Soldier

    I'm new to this Mauve manicure stuff, how can I attach files to the forum? Thank you for your time :D.
  2. Wandere

    Wandere Lizardman Priest

    Under a post, you should see this:


    If you click 'Upload a File', you can add the .scn file to a thread.
  3. Potatus

    Potatus Orc Soldier

    Thank you for your help :D.
  4. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    But you dont have to post a new thread everytime you need to "Upload a File" - you can do it at the end of a post too (in case you didnt notice).
  5. Potatus

    Potatus Orc Soldier

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