Game hung and can't rejoin campain

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Planplan, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Planplan

    Planplan Kobold

    First, sorry if my english is not the greatest ;)
    In the "Secret of the Elder Mind" first map, my game just hang at the round ending. So, I restarted my browser.
    After login, I'm asked if I want to join the battle. If I say Yes, the game is loading forever (the "Dragon & Shield rotating circle").
    I reloaded the page to try again, same thing happen.
    I tried to go to Multiplayer after login and answering No for the battle rejoin, it's working, but if I click on the Campain button, the game is loading forever again.
    I'll not start a multiplayer game if it allow you to see the state of the Campain that making it hang.

    In the game, I remember having the 2 "Dolphins" alive, each with a "2 less cards in hand in end of round" thanks to Aloysi's Cloak's Mystical Wyrmhide. As far as I remember, it was the only uncommon thing happening at the time. And it happened during the discard. Some worms were still alive also.

    My account is "Planplan".
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Hey Planplan,

    Are you still having issues getting back in the game? The reconnecting should eventually time out, or we'll have a dev reset you manually. Thanks for your report.
  3. Planplan

    Planplan Kobold

    Alas, the issue is still present, I'm always asked to join the battle and end up loading forever.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    For the quickest response to the battle state issue, I suggest sending an email to . I'll leave this thread here for any bug related follow up that might have caused it.

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