Blocked an attack with Duck, stole card. Game hangs: MESSAGE: Error #1009 STACK TRACE: TypeError: Error #1009 at com.cardhunter.pcclient::ReturnToHandCommand/update() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::CardHunterScreen/updateCommands() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::BattleScreen/updateCommands() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::CardHunterScreen/update() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::ScreenRoot/update() PARTY: (sfs_array) Members: (sfs_object) (int) charIndex: 1 (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Militiaman's Pike (utf_string) Sharpened Pick (utf_string) Nifty Halberd (utf_string) Mail of Absorption (utf_string) Holtzman Shield (utf_string) Shimmering Helm (utf_string) Argo's Boots (utf_string) Novice Stoutness (utf_string) Superb Impaling (sfs_object) (int) charIndex: 2 (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Charring Staff (utf_string) Staff of Guttering Flames (utf_string) Akon's Amulet (utf_string) Pin of Blowing Flames (utf_string) Booming Ring (utf_string) Akon's Amulet (utf_string) Crackling Cloak (utf_string) Corian's Boots (utf_string) Escapist (utf_string) Fireblinker Initiate (sfs_object) (int) charIndex: 7 (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Axe of the Dark Soul (utf_string) St. Amarack's Cudgel (utf_string) Spiked Strapping (utf_string) Holtzman Shield (utf_string) Chadwick's Clogs (utf_string) Bleneth's Frenzy Tome (utf_string) Wuuna's Vampiric Shroud (utf_string) Shielding Token (utf_string) Apprentice Stoutness (utf_string) Advanced Cleansing (sfs_object) (int) charIndex: 3 (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (int) Index: 1 (int_array) ActiveChars: [1,2,7] (utf_string) Name: Sample CLIENT COMMANDS: com.cardhunter.pcclient::ReturnToHandCommand BATTLE COMMANDS: com.cardhunter.battle.commands::TurnToFaceInstigatorCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::IncrementActivePlayerCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::CheckForTraitsCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::StartScoringPhaseCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::StartDiscardPhaseCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::EndTurnCommand CLIENT VERSION: 0.5684
Tried to repro this (Berzerk Spin blocked with Duck) and it worked fine. Anyone else seen this? Might have been fixed by some other code changes.