I was in the final rounds of completing a quest when my internet connection dropped out for a minute. (I'm pretty sure the problem was at my end in this particular case.) Card Hunter told me that the connection was lost and that I should refresh the page, but after a short time (without me refreshing the page or doing anything else) it returned back into the game and had the following messages in the log: I was very happy about that for moment, because I was very close to completing the final part of a 4 battle quest. But unfortunately the game appears to be frozen. I can right click to see card info and terrain info, but I can't play any card. The game has resumed when I was meant to be selecting a target for my Devastating Spark card. It still says that I'm to select a target, but clicking on targets has no effect. I can open the in-game command console and type commands, but it doesn't give me any response. (ie. I type 'help' and it seems to accept the command but it doesn't actually display the help message.) I figured I might as well report this just in case it's a systematic problem in the reconnect feature. I've still got the game open right now just in case it miraculously recovers.