Hello everyone! So I'm a long time fan of Card Hunter, having gotten hooked ever since they first showed off an early version at PAX Prime. Now everyone enjoys the game in their own ways, but I'm kind of an optimization junky. So I have started a bit of a project to create an algorithm with which to give a numerical score to an item to serve as a starting point in item comparison. And that's where you come in! I need to get scores for the ranking of individual cards. I'll be going through them by general card type and hopefully use the opinions of all who contribute in the end result. HOW TO HELP: I'll be listing cards of the same type, categorized by their Quality. In comparison to OTHER CARDS OF THE SAME QUALITY, you can help out by giving each card a score between 1-5. Here's a rubrik for you. 5: An incredibly potent card that is completely self sufficient, or so good it's worth building around. These cards are the best in the game. Not every quality grouping will even have one. 4: A stand out card of it's quality level. Worth grabbing at every opportunity. 3: A solid choice in it's quality level. Nothing amazing, but holds it's own. 2: A mediocre card. It seems to be outclassed by several other choices in the same quality, and is rarely worth an inclusion. 1: A bad choice. These cards could be intentionally underpowered, or are just a poor design. THANKS FOR THE HELP! Today's poll, Hybrid Armor Cards! (A select few cards were judged by yours truly to be primarily another card type than armor, for example, Polearm Slash. These will appear in later polls.) PAPER Leather Harness BRONZE Thick Hide Armor Chain Harness Quickness Aura Rushing Aura SILVER Arrogant Armor Flight Aura Heavy Armor Mystical Drakehide Sparkling Cloth Armor GOLD Dynamic Armor Arcane Aura Arcane Shell Enchanted Harness Frenzy Aura Horned Plates Mystical Wyrmhide PREVIOUS POLLS Armor Cards